Natural tar seeps at the McKittrick Oil Field By Lldenke (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

When Petroleum Was Used As Medicine

We look at the discovery of petroleum, both linguistically and practically.
The Brain That Wouldn't Die - 1962 - Joseph Green

Head Transplants: A History

The first human head transplant is scheduled for 2017. But the possibility of transplants has transfixed scientists for most of the last century.
Collage of cosplay

Unpacking the World of Cosplay

We go into the world of cosplay, where men and women dress up and role-play as their favorite fictional characters.
Sweden-Nobel prize-China-Tu Youyou
Xinhua via Getty Images

Why Hasn’t China Won a Nobel in Science Until Now?

Despite a long tradition of scientific inquiry and study, no Chinese scientist has won the coveted Nobel Prize. Until now. We try to understand why.
Steam Locomotive

Mourning the Death of the American Railway

Just as the Titanic had redefined passenger liners, so too would the Zephyr transform the American railway.
Licensed under Public Domain via <a href="" target="_blank">Commons</a>

The Making of Asian America

Asians are on track to become the fastest growing U.S. population by the next half-century. We look at the history of Asian immigration, past and present.
Suburban Lawn

Your Green Lawn is Harming the Environment

Americans go to desperate measures to keep their lawns manicured and green. But is it worth the environmental cost?
Beth Stevens

Read MacArthur “Genius” Grant Winner Beth Stevens’ Work on JSTOR

Beth Stevens was awarded the heralded "genius" grant for her work on microglia, the specialized nervous system cells.
Eugène Durieu - Female portrait

Visual Literacy in the Age of Open Content

We need a visual literacy to help us negotiate new ways of seeing, but also new ways of accessing, manipulating, and reusing visual content.
Four young men in trendy clothes take a selfie while out partying

More Hipster Than Thou: Is Vintage Language Back in Vogue?

A look at the recent boon in archaic terms and its relationship to "hipster" culture.