
The End of the Tour: Why Do We Travel?

Travel is commodity, a privilege, and a state of mind; a comfort to some and a trial to others. 
Twisting a man's ears.

The Return of Torture

After being made illegal in the 19th century, why did torture return in the 20th century and why does it continue into the present?
Luise Adelgunde Victoria Gottsched

Traduttore, Traditore: Is Translation Ever Really Possible?

Translator, traitor, goes the Italian expression, although something may be lost in the translation.
Violette Personified NYPL Collections

Personification Is Your Friend: The Language of Inanimate Objects

Studies have shown that anthropomorphizing not only helps us learn. It also serves a social function, helping us feel connected.

Copernicus’s Body Identified by Stray Hair

Stuck in a book for centuries, strands of Copernicus's hair helped identify his body in 2005.
School of sardines

Peace and Quiet? Not Underwater

Fish, it turns out, are loud.
Hillary Clinton Speaking

On Men and Women’s Public Speech

What we call “eloquence” in public speech is, essentially, code for values associated with masculinity. 
How to Prepare Kids to Resolve Online Conflict

Teachers Against Trolls: How to Prepare Kids for Online Conflict

We need to look beyond technology and consider social solutions to engage and disagree constructively online.
Alfalfa hops

Cover Crops Are Making a Comeback

Farmers looking increase yields and maintain healthy soil are trying the old technique of planting cover crops again. 
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Human resilience, an ancient monster, and Vladimir Putin

Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.