A Bloomsday Remembrance of James Joyce
June 16th is Bloomsday, the day on which James Joyce's sprawling Modernist novel Ulysses takes place. Celebrate literature, Dublin, and, well, pubs!
Why King Tut Had A Meteorite Knife
What do you get the boy pharaoh who has everything? A dagger made out of meteorite iron, of course.
What Helps Gay Christians Feel Welcome at Church?
Gay Christians have special challenges when it comes to integrating an LGBT identity within a religious identity.
Be Honest, Can You Really Tell Left from Right?
Laterality, or left-right orientation, takes years to master. A surprising percentage of adults struggle telling left from right, including some surgeons.
The Deafening (((Echoes))) of Marked Language
What is marked language, and what does it have to do with the online hate speech of anti-semitic "Echoes" on Twitter?
How Plato Anticipated Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" would not have surprised Plato.
Why Some Politicians Bounce Back from Scandal
Three years ago, then-CIA director General David Petraeus resigned amid scandal: He'd had an affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell.
Why Was There a Berlin Wall in the First Place?
A brief history of East and West Germany, and why they built the Berlin Wall.
Happy Flag Day! (What is Flag Day?)
What is Flag Day, again? Early American flags were all over the place. There was no consensus about the flag until 25 years after the Revolution.
Embracing Your Inner Cyborg
Cyborgs might be closer in the future than you think.