JSTOR Daily Friday Reads

Joy Williams, Tennessee Williams, and More

Five new books out this week, and links to related content you won’t find anywhere else. Prose master ...
Hello Kitty Bus

The Serious Subtext of Japan’s “Cute” Culture

The real reasons behind Japan's culture of kawaii, or "cute." 
White House at night

Publishing the Presidents

President Obama made news for being the first President to publish a scholarly article while in office. Many past Presidents can be found in JSTOR. 

How to Cut Smoking Rates

A working paper released the National Bureau of Economic Research suggests that lifting people out of poverty could cut smoking rates. 
The Tornadoes

The Linguistics of My Next Band Name

Why do certain combinations of words make good band names? Linguistic research points to "semantic space."
Queen Zenobia

More Than an Aria Written Over Rice: Rediscovering a Lost Rossini Opera

Rossini's "lost opera," Aureliano in Palmira is making a comeback with a new production. The opera's history involves antiquity, archeology, and Bugs Bunny.

Did The 1965 Watts Riots Change Anything?

Sociological data from immediately after the riots in Watts, Los Angeles, in 1965 show major disparities in attitude by race.
Photograph of two frogs

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Frog Sex (but Were Afraid to Ask)

New research suggests that specific positions may serve to ensure that frog species only mate with their own kind.
online stress

Self-Regulation in a Stressed-Out, Online World

Do our computers, gadgets and online activities necessarily cause stress—or is the internet a place where we can find ways to relieve our stress?
Montral Biosphere

Buckminster Fuller: Captain of Spaceship Earth

Even apostles of the future end up as historical figures: a critical view of R. Buckminster Fuller as the Captain of Spaceship Earth.