Suggested Readings: Olympic Bribery, Poetic Profanity, Honey-Seeking Birds
Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. ...
The U.S. Census and Politics
The US national census has always been political, and has a large part to play in determining political representation and power.
Making Sense of Syria
Can Syria's history help us understand the situation there today?
Olympic Art: Mega Events and the Museum
Can the Olympics increase museum attendance in both the long and short-term? Carol Scott and her team proved just that in documenting Sydney's case study.
Should We Set a Speed Limit on High-Speed Trading?
Can slower financial traders find a haven in a world of high-speed algorithms?
The Olympics, Dave Eggers, and Your Idiot Brain
Our Friday Reads are these five new books out this week, and links to related content you won’t find anywhere else.
A History of Brazil
The largest country in South America is home to a wide variety of cultures, fascinating history, and some of the most pristine wilderness found anywhere in the world.
The Astounding Adaptations of Long-Distance Flyers
Frigate birds are truly champion fliers. The birds can fly for weeks without stopping. How do they do it?
What Does the Vice President Do?
Even the people with the job used to disparage the Vice Presidency. That's changed in the modern era.
This Doc Was Really Nuts
Nuts! is a new documentary about John R. Brinkley, whose claim to fame was transplanting goat testicles into men in the 1920s.