Marriage: Not What It Used to Be
Marriage and relationship advice has changed as the institutions evolve.
Ballot Position: It Matters
Did you know that ballot position can have an effect on voting? The first-listed candidate is more likely to be voted for.
What Doctors Can Learn From the Arts
What can doctors learn from the arts? Ask Anton Chekhov.
The Bigger Your House, The More Room for Bugs
Insect diversity inside the house strongly correlates with neighborhood income. The higher up the income ladder you climb, the greater the diversity of bugs.
What’s On the Other Side of a Black Hole?
What would happen if you entered a black hole?
A New Novel Resurrects a Forgotten Author
A new book out this week, and related content you won’t find anywhere else. Young author Forrest Leo‘s ...
Class and the Glass Ceiling
Feminism and "women's work" have looked very different for U.S. women depending on their class.
How Ants Make Gardens in the Sky
You probably haven’t heard of ant gardens, but JSTOR has. High above neotropical rain forests, ants create elaborate nests, sharing them with epiphytes.
The Little-Known History of the Forced Sterilization of Native American Women
Jane Lawrence documents the forced sterilization of thousands of Native American women by the Indian Health Service in the 1960s and 1970s.
The Bloody History of the True Crime Genre
True Crime is having a renaissance with popular TV series and podcasts. But the history of the genre dates back much further.