Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Judging Parents, Killing Pests, Distributing Heroin

Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. 
Blake's "Newton"

Does Science Destroy Wonder?

Tom Wolfe's new book accidentally rehashes an age-old question: does scientific progress nullify beauty? What's the relationship between science and art?
thai spaghetti

“Eastern Spaghetti”: How Italian Food Became a Favorite in Thailand

Thai-Italian fusion is massively popular in Thailand. How did pizza and pasta make their way into Thai cuisine?
Grand Central terminal clock

How America Got its Time Zones

Boston is considering joining the Atlantic time zone. How did Americans decide on time zones anyway?

Why Coffee is Sometimes Called Mocha

Coffee. Everybody's favorite stimulant has many nicknames, and every one of these words has a story to tell. Consider "mocha."

The Phantom Tollbooth

The Phantom Tollbooth is one book JSTOR Daily readers told us they remember fondly from childhood.

Against Voluntourism

In a passionate set of tweets J.K. Rowling recently tackled the issue of so-called "voluntourism."
Cutlery: Spoon, Fork, Knife

Which Came First, the Spoon, Fork, or Knife?

The spoon predates the knife and the fork. It exists in every age and culture in a wide variety of shapes.
Agatha Christie, pharmacist

Agatha Christie, Pharmacist

If you think “poison” when you think Agatha Christie, you’re dead on. Many of her novels feature poison. But did you know Dame Agatha was also a pharmacist?
Snakes may be able to predict earthquakes

Can Animals Really Predict Earthquakes?

Stories of animals behaving erratically before earthquakes have circulated for thousands of years.