
What the Folk? The Charming Yet Totally Malappropriate Story of Folk Etymology

Etymology is a funny thing. Even if you're not a word nerd, you might have wondered why so many English idioms we use are Just. So. Weird.
Christopher Corr

Healing Art in Hospitals Today

As hospitals today continue to grow and expand, who is thinking about nurturing patients and visitors with healing art and beautification projects?
Jail Cell

A Non-Punitive Response to Juvenile Crime

It wasn’t until recently that federal juvenile justice policy swung sharply toward prosecution and tough sentencing.
Ghostly road

A Belief in Ghosts: Poetry and the Shared Imagination

An essay from poet Dorothea Lasky on poetry, ghosts, and the shared imagination.
Gloria Naylor's Women of Brewster Place

Gloria Naylor

The critically acclaimed novelist Gloria Naylor has died at age 66.
Baby with laptop

Inventing Rituals for the Digital World

How do we recognize our digital milestones?
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Homesickness on Mars, Single-Serving Studies, Super-Raccoons

Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. 
African American Civil War soldiers

Early Photographs of African American Soldiers at The National Museum of African American History and Culture

The Prickitt album in the NMAAC is a rare coincidence of names and photographs of Colored Troops fighting for the Union in the Civil War. 
Octavia Butler the Golden Chain

When Science Fiction Becomes Real: Octavia E. Butler’s Legacy

Ten years after her death, the writing of Octavia E. Butler has a persistent influence—one that spans well outside of the science fiction genre.
Indian Haggadah

High Holy Days in Mumbai

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, are the "High Holy Days" of the Jewish calendar.