Nixon transcripts

What Affects Our Trust in Government?

Government distrust has been on the decline for decades, but a recent poll shows a slight increase.
kid with food on floor

Sorry Kids, the 5-Second Rule is Bunk

The 5-second rule has been officially disproved.
Dakota pipeline protestors

Standing Rock and the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day and learn about the history of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Oprah and Obamas

A Little Political Knowledge Is…Much Better Than Nothing

Studies show that viewers do gain political knowledge through daytime television and other forms of "soft news."
Ocean Floor Map

The Mother of Ocean Floor Cartography

Marie Tharp's contribution to ocean-floor mapping and the acceptance of plate tectonics wasn't recognized at the time. 
JSTOR Daily Friday Reads

The National Book Awards Shortlist

The National Book Awards Shortlist has been announced and wouldn't you know, many of the authors honored have work in JSTOR. 
Sherman Alexie

The Absolutely True Story of Sherman Alexie

Happy 50th birthday to novelist, poet, and filmmaker Sherman Alexie. Learn about “one of the major lyric voices of our time" through his work.
Beauty and the Beast

How Disney Movies Teach Straightness

Despite the perils of mistaken identities, evil stepmothers, and cruel curses, in a Disney movie the princess always finds her prince.
17th century hurricane predictions

How to Predict Hurricanes in the 17th Century

In 1698, Captain Langford shared how one indigenous Caribbean person predicted hurricanes 14 days in advance.
Two Hummingbirds and an Orchid

Are There “Transgender” Proclivities in Animals?

We tend to think of gender expression as uniquely human. But many species gain advantages by projecting an opposite-sex appearance.