What’s the Legacy of Disco Music?
If you listen to Blondie, The Police, or the Pretenders, it’s in the beat.
Neocolonial Minecraft
One of the world’s best-selling video games, Minecraft conceals problematic assumptions about coloniality and power, argues educator Bennett Brazelton.
“Lynch Law in America”: Annotated
Ida B. Wells-Barnett, whose January 1900 essay exposed the racist reasons given by mobs for their crimes, argued that lynch law was an American shame.
An Epic Face-Lift: Moving Abu Simbel Out of the Nile
Some 25,000 workers cut Abu Simbel’s statues and temples into pieces, hoisted them into the air, and reassembled them on an artificial hill 200 meters away.
Creating an Ottoman Political Culture
As the Ottoman Empire became a world power in the fifteenth century, it also became a center of culture, producing original political literature and philosophy.
Hard Bites and Slow Songs
How beak size affects the singing and evolution of songbirds.
Toledo’s Most Singular Pharmacist
The Ella P. Stewart Scrapbooks offer insight into the life and legacy of a pioneering Black woman who broke color barriers and helped birth the fight for civil rights.
The Sociopolitical Impact of A Passage to India
E. M. Forster’s novel captured not only the tensions between colonizers and colonized but also the fraught internal politics that shaped India’s fight for independence.
Cliff Dwellings, Traffic Deaths, and Disappearing Data
Well-researched stories from Mongabay, Vox, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
An Age of Fantasy Politics
Tropes from science fiction and fantasy have become fodder for political rhetoric and action on all sides in the twenty-first century.