Proof of concept released: Jan 2015
Graduated: Sep 2020
Read page scan content easily on your phone’s small screen. ReflowIt is a quick proof of concept that reflows the images of the words of scanned pdfs for better reading on a small device.
What we did:
- At the New York Public Library Labs' Open Book Hack Day, designed and developed the tool, using the K2PDFOPT open source package to reflow scanned-page pdfs for better reading on a small device. For more information about this hack day and Reflowit, see this blog post.
- Refined the concept to release a simple proof of concept that includes nine out of copyright articles from JSTOR.
What we built:

What we learned:
- There is strong potential in automatically reflowing page scan content without relying on imperfect OCR.
- Users needed to be able to toggle between the original and the reflowed versions of the text.