April is Second Chance Month, and JSTOR Access in Prison wants to hear your thoughts about how education impacts a second chance. Anyone who has a passion for writing and has experience being held in jail, prison, immigration/youth detention, or secure hospitals is eligible. Submissions should be maximum 1000 words long, centered around this year's theme of Education and Second Chances, and can be written in any form such as a short story, an essay, article - even an illustration will receive consideration. The authors of the pieces selected for publishing on JSTOR Access in Prison will each receive $20. Submissions should be received via email or postmarked before March 16, 2023
To encourage more diverse thoughts and opinions, there isn’t a specific prompt or rubric requiring conformance. Our goal is to compile 20-30 submissions to post on JSTOR Access in Prison throughout April during Second Chance Month. Please be sure to include your name, ID# if you have one, facility, return address, and what education program you are part of (GED or college), and a sentence about yourself that includes something about your education or goals. If you do not want your name published with your piece, please specify that you choose to remain publicly anonymous. If your piece is selected, we will attempt to reach you before it is published to confirm your preference.
Please send any email entries to stacy.burnett@ithaka.org. Entries by postal mail can be sent to JSTOR: Attention Prison Writing, One Liberty Plaza 165 Broadway, 5th Floor New York, NY 10006.
NOTE: Access to JSTOR while incarcerated is not a prerequisite for submission. If you DO have access to JSTOR and it has impacted your education, we would like to hear about it!If you know anyone who is currently or formerly incarcerated and might be interested in submitting, be sure to let them know!