JSTOR Labs to lead NEH-Funded National Text Analysis Pedagogy Institutes

I am excited to announce a new effort aimed at text analytics and our new TDM platform: two new national institutes! JSTOR Labs has received a grant from The National Endowment for the Humanities for two national Text Analysis Pedagogy (TAP) Institutes under an Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities grant. The institutes will be run by JSTOR Labs in partnership with The University of Virginia in 2021 (Dr. John Unsworth and Dr. Philip Bourne) and The University of Arizona (Sarah Shreeves and Megan Senseney) in 2022. Each institute will utilize a new text analysis platform for teaching and learning to be launched by ITHAKA in 2021.
The primary goal of the institutes will be the development of a series of open educational resources (OER) for teaching text analysis in digital humanities and data science classrooms. The OER materials will include lessons using open standards, such as Jupyter Notebooks and R Markdown, to teach topics in text analysis such as machine learning, topic analysis, and sentiment analysis. The institutes will also feature a best practices exchange alongside teaching from master teachers, including Dr. Zoe LeBlanc (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) and Dr. Rafael Alvarado (University of Virginia). As the Community Engagement Lead at JSTOR Labs, I'll be joining the roster as well, having taught Digital Humanities and Data Science at institutions like The University of Maryland, UNC Chapel Hill, and Wayne State University.
Due to Covid-19, the first institute will be held virtually in summer of 2021. We will post more information about the institute in November and December, including a national call for participants. Please share this information with those you feel may be interested in attending. Even if you are not able to attend, the institute will create open educational resources to help students, teachers, and researchers alike. To stay up-to-date on the ITHAKA text analysis platform and the upcoming institute, join our mailing list. More information in the coming weeks!