Reimagining the Digital Monograph

In December, when we first announced our Reimagining the Monograph project, one of the outputs of that project was a white paper. We released that paper as a draft for comment in the hopes that the community’s feedback would help to strengthen it. I couldn’t be more impressed with how thoughtful, insightful and GENEROUS you were with your feedback. Thank you.
Now, I’m pleased to announce we’ve incorporated that feedback into a final version of the white paper. The updated version is now available for download on the Reimagining the Monograph site. This new version retains much of the structure of the previous one, and it still includes the ethnographic user profiles showing how six scholars do research with print and digital monographs. It also includes minor changes throughout addressing both specific and general questions we received and clarifying many points. We have gone from twelve to thirteen principles for the reimagined monograph. Most significantly, we have added as an appendix a new landscape review of related projects, which helps to situate our work on this project amongst a number of other important initiatives. I hope that you’ll find these changes constructive, but, as ever, I am eager to hear any and all feedback you might have.
Reimagining long-form digital scholarship isn’t going to happen in one project, prototype or paper. We hope that the updated white paper contributes to this important ongoing conversation, and are eager to work with the community to take further steps.