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October 7, 2021

New on JSTOR Workspace: Export to PDF

In our research, we learned that faculty often manually create handouts with content links to upload to their LMS. As part of our efforts to improve teaching with texts and images, we have made it easy to export the content on your JSTOR Workspace or in one of its folders as PDFs.

On your Workspace or folder, simply click on the “Export” option.

Your PDF handout will include… Read more»

October 4, 2021

JSTOR Labs launches free, open source tool to create rich, compelling essays

Our JSTOR Labs team recently announced the launch of Juncture, a free, open source tool to support the creation of visual essays using technologies that are broadly accessible. The tool was developed in connection with the Plant Humanities Lab, a resource created by JSTOR Labs and Dumbarton Oaks.

As an authoring tool, Juncture makes it easier for digital humanists to do their work, and also opens the door to beginners. Using the Markdown language, which can be… Read more»

September 14, 2021

Sign up for an EBSCO Discovery Service webinar

Join us for a webinar discussing configuration options in EBSCO Discovery Service to ensure that your JSTOR content is discoverable and your settings showcase your preferences for full-text link display.

Using EBSCOadmin, you will learn about the powerful tools available for library administrators to customize the experience and provide users with the best full-text link for your collections.

We will cover:… Read more»

August 25, 2021

A glimpse of our world in 500+ Community Collections

This month we have reached (and have grown past) the 500 Community Collection milestone, with 591 collections from 162 contributors. Through this initiative, JSTOR has partnered with universities, museums, and other institutions around the world to expand the reach of their special collections. These rare primary source materials cover nearly every discipline, content type, and topic, and are openly accessible to the millions of scholars who begin their research on JSTOR.

To encapsulate the range of content included in… Read more»

July 19, 2021

JSTOR at SAA virtual conference

In August, JSTOR will be taking part in the Society of American Archivists (SAA) virtual conference to share recent initiatives and developments, including updates on the Open Community Collections.

We recognize and commend the work of archivists as our partners in uncovering and preserving essential primary source materials for generations of researchers to come, most recently through our Open Community Collections initiative, which makes freely available rare primary source materials from the special holdings of more… Read more»

June 22, 2021

465,000+ open images from the Metropolitan Museum now on JSTOR

Fon. Elephant figure. 19th c. Image and data from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

More than 465,000 images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York are now freely available on JSTOR. The Museum has made all images of public domain works in its collection available under Creative Commons Zero (CC0), which means that all JSTOR users are free to download, share, and remix them without restriction.

The release is part of the ongoing integration of… Read more»

June 14, 2021

Add 450+ Open Community Collections to your research mix

After more than a year collaborating with institutions around the globe, JSTOR’s Open Community Collections initiative now hosts over 450 collections. These contributions are digitized from the special holdings of more than 135 libraries, museums, universities, and other archives, bringing rare primary source items into the research workflow, alongside related essential scholarship.

These freely available collections cover nearly every discipline, documenting the history of universities, territories, companies, and notable figures, while chronicling important events and movements throughout the ages. Other… Read more»

June 9, 2021

Open Access pilot for Latin American monographs expands

LARRP, CLACSO, JSTOR, and García Cambeiro ebook project now includes over 280 titles

A partnership led by the Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP) in collaboration with the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), JSTOR, and Latin American bookseller García Cambeiro has expanded a sustainable Open Access pilot (Publish as Open) for monographs developed and supported by the library community. This is the second phase of a project to expand Latin American OA ebooks accessible through Books at JSTOR… Read more»

June 7, 2021

Reveal Digital: Helping underrepresented voices be heard

Reveal Digital develops Open Access primary source collections, with content curated and sourced from a wide array of libraries, museums, historical societies, and individual collectors, and funds pooled from library partners through a crowd-publishing model. These collections bring together fragmented documentary material from under-represented 20th century voices of dissent. Items showcased below are highlights from recently launched collections.

Collection spotlight American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020: Voices from the Inside

Launched last year, Reveal Digital’s American Prison NewspapersRead more»