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June 5, 2019

New on JSTOR: full-screen view

Good news: You can now read articles on JSTOR in full-screen view! Simply click the “View Full Screen” option to make use of the entire browser area.

Once in full-screen mode, you can zoom in and navigate to next and previous pages. Also, users with low vision are now be able to increase the size of the text. And this feature is keyboard navigable, meaning you can use can use the arrow keys to move a zoomed-in page scan.… Read more»

May 13, 2019

Open Access collaboration with El Colegio de México expands

Thanks to a grant from the Mellon Foundation, we’ve worked with El Colegio de México to digitize nearly 600 important scholarly books and make them available to everyone on an Open Access basis. These titles have been highly used in the six months since we started adding them to JSTOR: every book has been accessed, and there have been more than 175,000 chapter views and downloads in 180 countries and territories!

We are now working on digitizing approximately… Read more»

March 26, 2019

Career opportunity: Director of Books at JSTOR

ITHAKA is seeking a Director of Books at JSTOR to oversee all aspects of the book program, including building strong relationships with our library and publisher participants, attracting new content to the platform, developing sustainable acquisition models, and ensuring seamless workflows for researchers and librarians.

Books at JSTOR offers digital editions of scholarly books to colleges, universities, and other organizations as part of the JSTOR research and learning platform. Launched in 2012,Read more»

March 11, 2019

Recording now available for “Meeting research challenges in Security Studies”

On a recent webinar for JSTOR, Dr. Sara Moller, Assistant Professor of International Security at the School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University, discussed the special challenges she has encountered in conducting research in security studies.

Dr. Moller was joined by Bob Flatley, Associate Professor Electronic Resources and Periodicals at the Kutztown University Rohrbach Library<span style="font-weight:… Read more»

March 5, 2019

A new way to share sources on JSTOR

JSTOR has introduced a feature that supports collaboration in your research and teaching by allowing you to easily share a list of sources you save in My Workspace.

My Workspace is JSTOR’s citation-management tool. It allows you to save and organize your journal articles and book chapters from JSTOR along with other references found on the web, and now you can share this research with colleagues, students, and friends.

Whether you want to share a single article or… Read more»

November 28, 2018

The JSTOR Understanding series: a new research tool on JSTOR

The JSTOR Understanding series (Beta) is a free research tool from JSTOR Labs that fosters student engagement with classic literature by connecting passages in primary texts with journal articles and book chapters on JSTOR that cite those lines.

Building on the success of the Understanding Shakespeare tool, the Understanding series encompasses several key works of British literature such as Frankenstein and Pride and Prejudice, the King James Bible, as well as all Shakespeare sonnets and plays. These… Read more»

November 13, 2018

An initiative to learn how plants have shaped human societies

Plants offer remarkable opportunities for interdisciplinary research, and Dumbarton Oaks and JSTOR are collaborating to launch the Plant Humanities Initiative to foster this work through scholarly programming, the exploration of primary sources, and digital publication via a new scholarly research tool.

Head to the Scientific American blog to learn more about the initiative. There, Yota Batsaki, executive director of Dumbarton Oaks, and Alex Humphreys, director of JSTOR Labs and associate vice president of JSTOR, explore how to confront the considerable… Read more»

November 1, 2018

JSTOR and Apex CoVantage mark 20 years bringing academic research online

Today JSTOR, the global, non-profit digital library of thousands of journals, books, and primary sources, and Apex CoVantage (Apex), the innovative digitization and publishing solutions leader, mark the 20-year anniversary of their relationship. The organizations have pioneered the high-quality conversion of academic publications from analog to digital form, breathing new life into millions of pages of scholarly research dating back to the 1600s.

JSTOR was founded in the mid-1990s, initially as a grant-funded project from the Andrew W. Mellon… Read more»

October 30, 2018

Easier access to research tools on JSTOR

In addition essential academic content, JSTOR also includes a growing set of tools that can help researchers explore and use the content in novel ways. Now these resources are easily discoverable from a new “Tools” menu that appears on the top of every page on JSTOR.

The two resources currently available from this new menu are the award-winning Text Analyzer, a new way to search, and Data for Research, a service that enables researchers to define… Read more»