Introduction to JSTOR primary source collections, covering how these rich research materials can enhance your teaching and research. Check out the JSTOR Beyond Journals resource for a recap of what’s covered. 45 minutes
Introduction to JSTOR primary source collections, covering how these rich research materials can enhance your teaching and research. Check out the JSTOR Beyond Journals resource for a recap of what’s covered. 45 minutes
Learn about the time-saving features and functionality that make finding, gathering, curating, and sharing all kinds of content on JSTOR easy and efficient. 55 minutes
Watch this recording for a tour of the JSTOR Admin site to learn more about adding users to your school’s account and how to set up access, updating your institution’s branding, creating and downloading usage reports, and more. 45 minutes
April is Second Chance Month and JSTOR Access in Prison invites everyone to be a part of the conversation about the role education can play in making second chances a reality for people and communities impacted by incarceration. This first Second Chance Chat features JSTOR Access in Prison Advisory Board member Patrick Rodriguez and Donald Washington Jr. of The Marshall Project. 1 hour
Watch this recording to learn about how to optimize discovery, and publishing collections to make them available for research and teaching alongside the other primary sources on the platform. 45 minutes
Hear from members of the Big Ten Academic Alliance, the university press community, and JSTOR about the need for sustainable Open Access solutions for university press books, the importance of community-wide support, and the Path to Open approach. You will also learn how you can join us on the Path to Open in this Library Journal webinar. 1 hour
Join a JSTOR Access in Prison webinar on how college access and campus-readiness initiatives impact academic success and life outcomes post-release, featuring conversation with LA Times journalist Keri Blakinger, BMCC Associate Director Olga Miliman, and PEN America’s Caits Messner. 1 hour
The annual Artstor user group meeting focusing on the timeline of the migration of Artstor onto JSTOR and retirement of the Artstor platform in August 2024.
Join us for a look at Forum’s advanced functionality. Learn how to create and manage compilations and containers, and explore lists.
Join us to learn the basics of cataloging in Forum. Learn how to catalog records individually and in bulk, access data from linked fields, and manage different types of media.
Discover the value of Artstor on JSTOR for teaching and research across disciplines. In our webinar, explore tools, content, and strategies with Blair Woodard (Associate Professor of History and Environmental Studies, University of Portland) and Whitney Barlow Robles (Author, Historian, Curator, and Visiting Scholar, Department of History, Dartmouth College), and get practical tips on using images to enrich student learning.
Join us for the first session of our JSTOR Forum training series, designed to help you master Forum’s capabilities. You are welcome to attend the full hour, which includes two parts, or join us for the section that is most relevant to your work.
Learn about the latest time-saving features and functionality on JSTOR. These make finding, keeping track of, and sharing all kinds of content on JSTOR easy and efficient. This 55-minute webinar is appropriate for librarians, researchers, and teaching faculty.
JSTOR is a fantastic resource for images. Now you can find Artstor’s high-quality collections and key functionality on JSTOR. Join this free webinar for an update on the latest time-saving features and functionality that supports the use of images on JSTOR. This 55-minute webinar is appropriate for librarians, researchers, and teaching faculty.
Learn about updates on JSTOR’s administrator tools, including information about usage data and reports, access methods, user management, content holdings, and essential details for Artstor administrators about the integration with JSTOR. This 55-minute webinar is suitable for both new and experienced JSTOR administrators.
Join this free, one-hour webinar to learn how JSTOR, along with founding partner ACLS and members of the scholarly community , is advancing sustainable open access models. Gain valuable insights into the progress, achievements, and what we have learned so far from the Path to Open pilot program. Register now to secure your spot and learn how you can join us on the path to open.
The Artstor website will be retired on August 1, 2024, and Artstor’s high-quality collections and key functionality are now available on JSTOR. Join this free webinar to learn about working with images on JSTOR. We will also cover ways to fully integrate content you discover on JSTOR with your existing image groups that are now folders in your JSTOR Workspace.
Join this free, one-hour webinar dedicated to providing Artstor to JSTOR migration updates, answering your questions, and helping you prepare for the retirement of the Artstor website on August 1, 2024. This webinar is appropriate for Artstor and Forum administrators and librarians.
San Diego, CA
Starting in mid-2023, ITHAKA began investing in and engaging directly with generative AI in two broad areas: a generative AI research tool on the JSTOR platform and a collaborative research project led by Ithaka S+R. In this presentation, Kevin Guthrie (President, ITHAKA) and Beth LaPensee (Senior Product Manager, JSTOR) share early signals about how this technology-enabled evolution is beginning to take shape.
Join this free, one-hour JSTOR + Choice-ACRL webinar to explore how academic and research libraries are redefining their strategies to amplify the reach of special collections. Bruce Heterick, Senior Vice President of Open Collections & Infrastructure at ITHAKA, demonstrates collaborative efforts reshaping digital collections management. David Seiler, Head of Digital Projects and Collections at Skidmore College, guides us through their journey of openly sharing special collections on JSTOR.
Join this free, one-hour JSTOR + Choice-ACRL webinar to learn how librarians and faculty can align and collaborate to address barriers to teaching with digitized primary sources. In addition to walking away with actionable insights, attendees will be the first to receive full access to the new report!
Attention Forum participants with collections on Artstor: join us for a webinar that will help you finalize your move to JSTOR! Hear from Lael Ensor-Bennett (Curator, Johns Hopkins University Visual Resources Collection) about the benefits she’s discovered in sharing content from across Hopkins collections on JSTOR. Plus, get a tour of our robust support options, product enhancements, and new services. 1 hour
Image credit: Chinese. A large palace garden, possibly Versailles. ca. 1850. Image and original data provided by the Wellcome Collection.
Struggling to forge a connection between scholarly content and vibrant student engagement? The solution awaits. Join us for this webinar where Hypothesis and JSTOR teams unite to unveil the transformative potential of social annotation in reshaping the student-faculty interaction with JSTOR content. 1 hour
Prepare to use images on JSTOR! Explore time-saving features and functionality that make finding, gathering, curating, and sharing images on JSTOR easy and efficient. 45 minutes
This webinar is appropriate for faculty and staff.
Image credit: Terracotta Female Figure. ca. 1400–1300 BCE. Terracotta, H.: 4 1/8 in. (10.5 cm). The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Learn about the time-saving features and functionality that make finding, gathering, curating, and sharing all kinds of content on JSTOR easy and efficient. 45 minutes
Image credit: Odra Noel. Adipose Tissue. n.d. Wellcome Collection.
Join us for a tour of enhanced functionality designed to make your work easier. 45 minutes
Image credit: Zipblock, and United States. Zipblock Modular Building System. Small Plastic Building Blocks. n.d.
Join us as Reveal Digital’s Cornelius Fortune presents a preview of the contextual material he’s developed as part of the Documenting White Supremacy and its Opponents collection. With a focus on the 1920’s, Cornelius invites you into his research and thought processes, helping us explore the importance of contextualization for this sensitive collection and primary sources in general. 1 hour
Hear from members of the Big Ten Academic Alliance, the university press community, and JSTOR about the need for sustainable Open Access solutions for university press books, the importance of community-wide support, and the Path to Open approach. You will also learn how you can join us on the Path to Open in this Library Journal webinar. 1 hour
Please join us for an open conversation about JSTOR Forum and the retirement of the Artstor website in 2024. We will share recent and upcoming product releases, and walk you through resources that will help you publish your collections to JSTOR. This webinar is appropriate for Forum administrators and librarians. 1 hour
The JSTOR Open Community Collections initiative continues to evolve. Charter members can watch or share the recording with colleagues to preview and select infrastructure services before the charter period ends July 1, 2023. 1 hour
In this webinar, we explore the benefits of social annotation and demonstrate how to use Hypothesis to annotate JSTOR articles. We share tips and best practices for collaborating with others through annotations, and show you how to effectively use annotation to improve your research and understanding of a topic. 1 hour
The annual Artstor user group meeting focusing on the timeline of the migration of Artstor onto JSTOR and retirement of the Artstor platform in August 2024.
Next in JSTOR Access in Prison’s Second Chance Month webinar series, join a conversation on how to meet the needs of students with disabilities enrolled in prison education programs with Southern New Hampshire University student Ben Wright and expert Dr. Jennifer Montag. 1 hour
Join a JSTOR Access in Prison webinar on how college access and campus-readiness initiatives impact academic success and life outcomes post-release, featuring conversation with LA Times journalist Keri Blakinger, BMCC Associate Director Olga Miliman, and PEN America’s Caits Messner. 1 hour
April is Second Chance Month and JSTOR Access in Prison invites everyone to be a part of the conversation about the role education can play in making second chances a reality for people and communities impacted by incarceration. This first Second Chance Chat features JSTOR Access in Prison Advisory Board member Patrick Rodriguez and Donald Washington Jr. of The Marshall Project. 1 hour
Watch this recording to discover how educators can use the American Prison Newspapers collection in their classrooms. We showcase what information instructors and students would come across, such as poems, comics, debates, artwork, and informational articles. 1 hour
Through interviews with scholars, this recording highlights the depth of once-hidden content that is now or will be available for discovery on JSTOR and how the material is having a significant impact on contemporary scholarship. 90 minutes
Watch this recording for a tour of the JSTOR Admin site to learn more about adding users to your school’s account and how to set up access, updating your institution’s branding, creating and downloading usage reports, and more. 45 minutes
Watch this recording to learn about how to optimize discovery, and publishing collections to make them available for research and teaching alongside the other primary sources on the platform. 45 minutes
Learn about the time-saving features and functionality that make finding, gathering, curating, and sharing all kinds of content on JSTOR easy and efficient. 55 minutes
Learn about the new JSTOR Admin site, where you can now find all your admin and stats tools. Check out our resource guide for videos, links, and tips to help you do more on JSTOR. 55 minutes
Michael Ferslev joined us to discuss ebook acquisitions strategy at the Royal Danish Library, including how JSTOR’s Demand-Driven Acquisition model helps meet user information needs and optimize usage of library budgets. 40 minutes
Learn about configuration options in EBSCO Discovery Service to ensure that your JSTOR content is discoverable and your settings showcase your preferences for full-text link display. 30 minutes
Learn about the progress of Constellate, our new platform to teach and learn text analytics, build datasets from multiple content sources, and visualize and analyze datasets — and find out how your library can participate in a free beta evaluation. 1 hour
Introduction to JSTOR primary source collections, covering how these rich research materials can enhance your teaching and research. Check out the JSTOR Beyond Journals resource for a recap of what’s covered. 45 minutes
JSTOR recently released a new and improved Admin site for account administrators. View the recording for a tour of enhanced functionality designed to make your work easier and check out our resource guide to help you do more on JSTOR. 55 minutes