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Blog Topic: Teaching

October 29, 2014

Curriculum guide: Survey of Western Art 2: Renaissance to Postmodern

Artstor is introducing curriculum guides–collections of images from the Artstor Digital Library based on syllabi for college courses–compiled by faculty members and experts around the country. Learn more here. Survey of Western Art 2: Renaissance to Postmodern Nancy Minty, Ph.D, Collections Editor, Artstor This curriculum guide consists of a thorough overview of later western art (approximately […]

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October 28, 2014

Curriculum guide: Survey of Western Art 1: Prehistoric to Gothic

Artstor is introducing curriculum guides–collections of images from the Artstor Digital Library based on syllabi for college courses–compiled by faculty members and experts around the country. Learn more here. Survey of Western Art 1: Prehistoric to Gothic Nancy Minty, Ph.D, Collections Editor, Artstor This curriculum guide covers a comprehensive introduction to early western art (approximately 30,000 […]

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October 8, 2014

Curriculum guide: Shakespeare

Artstor is introducing curriculum guides–collections of images from the Artstor Digital Library based on syllabi for college courses–compiled by faculty members and experts around the country. Learn more here. Shakespeare: Text and Performance Julia Reinhard Lupton, Professor, English, University of California, Irvine This curriculum guide focuses on three plays: Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night, and Cymbeline. The […]

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September 26, 2014

Curriculum guide: History of Architecture and Urbanism I

Artstor is introducing curriculum guides–collections of images from the Artstor Digital Library based on syllabi for college courses–compiled by faculty members and experts around the country. Learn more here. History of Architecture and Urbanism I Amber Wiley, Visiting Assistant Professor, Architecture, Tulane University This curriculum guide is global in focus, including both Western and non-Western developments, […]

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September 25, 2014

Curriculum guide: Introduction to Philosophy

Artstor is introducing curriculum guides–collections of images from the Artstor Digital Library based on syllabi for college courses–compiled by faculty members and experts around the country. Learn more here. Introduction to Philosophy Carl Hammer, Lecturer, Communication Studies, University of MN, Twin Cities This curriculum guide introduces the student to the basic problems, methods and theories of […]

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September 23, 2014

Curriculum guide: Colonial Latin America

Artstor is introducing curriculum guides–collections of images from the Artstor Digital Library based on syllabi for college courses–compiled by faculty members and experts around the country. Learn more here. Colonial Latin America curriculum guide Rachel Moore, Associate Professor, History, Clemson University This curriculum guide explores a wide range of perspectives on the colonial period in Latin America. […]

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September 23, 2014

Introducing curriculum guides for instructors

Navigating the tremendous number of images in the Artstor Digital Library can be daunting, particularly to those in fields outside of art history. Where to start looking for images for, say, an Introduction to Philosophy class? To address that hurdle, we are introducing curriculum guides – collections of images from the Artstor Digital Library based […]

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December 6, 2013

Teaching with Artstor: The wondrous abyss of puppetry

By Mark Branner, University of Hawaii, Manoa I have the great privilege of teaching an introductory college-level course on puppetry. Even though it is an introductory course, it is actually classified as an upper division course, which means that I generally have juniors and seniors straggling in, looking for an easy “basket-weaving” escape. There are […]

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