On this page:
- WebEx registration form
- Use Google Meet for Student Branches
- Use Google Meet as an alternate/backup solution to WebEx.
- WebEx Tutorial
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Google Meet as a backup solution in case you experience any technical difficulties with WebEx:
If you are unable to get your WebEx event started, you can use https://meet.google.com/ as a backup solution. Schedule your Google Meet in advance and include it in your invitation.
For Student Branch and Student Branch Chapter officers,
At this time, we do not have the capacity to set up WebEx meetings for Student Branches and Student Branch Chapters. However, we have been using Google Meet with great success and it comes with your IEEE.org email account. If you don’t have one, you can find out more at https://www.ieee.org/googleapps
Functionality for Google Meet:
The URL is https://meet.google.com.
This is a great alternative and everyone with an ieee.org account has access to it.