Recommended practices for the evaluation of receiver measurements of error vector magnitude of a digitally modulated wireless communication signal and the evaluation of t...Show MoreScope:This standard provides recommended practices for the determination of uncertainty in the estimation of error vector magnitude (EVM) of a measured digitally modulated wire...Show More
Purpose:The purpose of this recommended practice is to provide a standardized approach to assess the impact of the receiver hardware performance on a measurement-based estimate o...Show More
Recommended practices for the evaluation of receiver measurements of error vector magnitude of a digitally modulated wireless communication signal and the evaluation of the associated uncertainty are provided in this recommended practice. NOTE: Source codes are available at https://opensource.ieee.org/1765/1765/
This standard provides recommended practices for the determination of uncertainty in the estimation of error vector magnitude (EVM) of a measured digitally modulated wireless communication signal. Such practices include several methods for validating a user’s measurement of a specific reference waveform by comparison to a reference measurement. The methods differ based on the level of rigor desired by the user and the accessibility to timing and waveform recording capabilities of the available hardware. Methods for evaluating measurement uncertainty in EVM are also presented. Some of the methods described here focus on measurements and uncertainties related ...
The purpose of this recommended practice is to provide a standardized approach to assess the impact of the receiver hardware performance on a measurement-based estimate of the EVM of a distorted signal. This is done by comparing a user’s measurement to a reference measurement of a specific waveform. The reference measurement is intended to provide a well-characterized estimate of the EVM, to which the user’s measurement and associated uncertainty are compared. In addition to the IEEE 1765 baseline approach to estimating EVM, various example approaches to validating receiver measurements of EVM are provided in this recommended practice.
Date of Publication: 11 November 2022
Electronic ISBN:978-1-5044-8873-0
Persistent Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=9942921