Open Access

Promoting a Creative Educational Entrepreneurial Approach in Higher Education

   | Sep 29, 2014

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In this article, I communicate and explain what it means for me to have an educational entrepreneurial approach to teaching and research. The communication of what I value requires that I move beyond text-based accounts to include multimedia forms of representation (Eisner, 1997). This explanation includes a responsibility for students and acknowledging my values of passion and care, safety, creativity and excellence within my practice. The paper presents how students on the Masters in Education and Training Management (eLearning) (MEME) programme are prepared for the dissertation practicum journey. The students who complete this form of dissertation are required to present their work at a platform presentation that involves the demonstration of scholarly work using different forms of media.

Publication timeframe:
1 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ontology, Epistemology, Social Sciences, Education, Education Systems