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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 30, 2012

Women in the Academy: The Impact of Culture, Climate and Policies on Female Classified Staff

  • Carla A. Costello EMAIL logo


The purpose of this study was to obtain an understanding of the impact of gendered organizations on female classified staff and their perception of climate and culture on advancement opportunities. The findings shed light on critical factors affecting the work experiences of female classified staff. The findings also offer a variety of ways colleges and universities can improve the overall climate for female classified staff. This qualitative study was based on confidential interviews with 16 female classified staff members who were selected based on campus leadership experience. All interviews were transcribed verbatim, analyzed and compared for pertinent themes. Three major themes emerged: culture and climate, institutional policies and procedures, and internal/external barriers to advancement. The findings revealed that women in classified support staff roles believe they have both gender and classification working against them when seeking to advance professionally.

Published Online: 2012-9-30

©2012 Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin/Boston

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