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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 7, 2013

Caring About Students – The Work of Student Affairs

  • Gage E. Paine

    Gage E. Paine, vice president for student affairs at The University of Texas at Austin, has written, conducted numerous workshops, and presented nationally on leadership and organizational culture during her 30-plus year career

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As resources have become tighter, campus leaders must make tough decisions about priorities. Many people value the out-of-classroom experience, but there is a cost to staffing and providing these opportunities and resources. Some argue that technology will change education so completely that campuses as we know them today will become extinct. Student affairs has an important role to play in this time of turbulence and transition by providing information about the student experience in general and about the students on our individual campuses. Student affairs leaders need to speak continually about the importance of caring about students and their experiences, and they must find ways to partner with others who share their concerns

About the author

Gage E. Paine

Gage E. Paine, vice president for student affairs at The University of Texas at Austin, has written, conducted numerous workshops, and presented nationally on leadership and organizational culture during her 30-plus year career

Published Online: 2013-08-07
Published in Print: 2013-08

© 2013 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.

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