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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton July 28, 2012

Autonomy and self-assessment of individual learning styles using the European Language Portfolio (ELP)

  • María Luisa Peréz Cavana,

    María Luisa Pérez Cavana is Lecturer in German and Spanish at the Open University.

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Interest in learning styles has produced innumerable studies over the last three decades. However, the application of knowledge of learning styles in education is a controversial matter, particularly in instruction, where there is less evidence of the usefulness of learning styles tests.

This article is concerned with the role of reflection in autonomous learning and with how learners can develop awareness of their own learning style through self-assessment. In particular it explores the use of an electronic version of the European Language Portfolio (eELP) to assess learning styles, reporting on a pilot project with distance students in higher education that enabled students to reflect on their individual language learning process.

The article argues that the use of reflection and self-assessment with a focus on learning styles is useful for learners as it provides relevant information to improve their language learning. It concludes by suggesting that the ELP is a valuable instrument to assess individual learning styles, and that it can be considered as an alternative to tests.

Department of Languages, Faculty of Education and Languages, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK

About the author

Lecturer María Luisa Peréz Cavana,

María Luisa Pérez Cavana is Lecturer in German and Spanish at the Open University.

Published Online: 2012-07-28
Published in Print: 2012-08-17

©[2011] by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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