Volume 74, Issue 1 p. 1-14
Full Access

Neuroscience and education

Usha Goswami

Corresponding Author

Usha Goswami

Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK

Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2BX, UK (e-mail: [email protected]).Search for more papers by this author
First published: 16 December 2010
Citations: 186


Neuroscience is a relatively new discipline encompassing neurology, psychology and biology. It has made great strides in the last 100 years, during which many aspects of the physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology and structure of the vertebrate brain have been understood. Understanding of some of the basic perceptual, cognitive, attentional, emotional and mnemonic functions is also making progress, particularly since the advent of the cognitive neurosciences, which focus specifically on understanding higher level processes of cognition via imaging technology. Neuroimaging has enabled scientists to study the human brain at work in vivo, deepening our understanding of the very complex processes underpinning speech and language, thinking and reasoning, reading and mathematics. It seems timely, therefore, to consider how we might implement our increased understanding of brain development and brain function to explore educational questions.