A Memory-Based Theory of Verbal Cognition
Corresponding Author
Simon Dennis
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, CO 80301. E-mail: dennissj@psych.colorado.eduSearch for more papers by this authorCorresponding Author
Simon Dennis
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, CO 80301. E-mail: dennissj@psych.colorado.eduSearch for more papers by this authorAbstract
The syntagmatic paradigmatic model is a distributed, memory-based account of verbal processing. Built on a Bayesian interpretation of string edit theory, it characterizes the control of verbal cognition as the retrieval of sets of syntagmatic and paradigmatic constraints from sequential and relational long-term memory and the resolution of these constraints in working memory. Lexical information is extracted directly from text using a version of the expectation maximization algorithm. In this article, the model is described and then illustrated on a number of phenomena, including sentence processing, semantic categorization and rating, short-term serial recall, and analogical and logical inference. Subsequently, the model is used to answer questions about a corpus of tennis news articles taken from the Internet. The model's success demonstrates that it is possible to extract propositional information from naturally occurring text without employing a grammar, defining a set of heuristics, or specifying a priori a set of semantic roles.
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