Volume 78, Issue 3 p. 918-933
Open Access

The ‘woeful’ state of administrative support for online programmes: A critical discourse analysis

Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif

Corresponding Author

Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif

Department of Human Studies, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA


Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif, Department of Human Studies, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1720 2nd Ave S., Birmingham, AL 35294-1250, USA.

Email: drbas@uab.edu

Contribution: Conceptualization, ​Investigation, Methodology, Supervision, Formal analysis, Project administration, Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing

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Yvonne Earnshaw

Yvonne Earnshaw

School of Instructional Technology and Innovation, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA

Contribution: Conceptualization, ​Investigation, Formal analysis, Project administration, Writing - review & editing, Writing - original draft

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Stephanie Corcoran

Stephanie Corcoran

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Contribution: ​Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing

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This study used critical discourse analysis to explore how higher education administrators in the United States talk about how they assess and support online programmes. Specifically, we hoped to analyse administrators' perceptions of their responsibilities over online programmes, faculty and students, to attain where they may need more training. Therefore, we explored the perspectives of 11 administrators at both the mid-level administrative and campus senior administrative levels who oversee online programmes in U.S. higher education. Our findings suggest that mid-level administrators hold pivotal roles in communicating needs, administrators are not viewing their online faculty holistically, current online programmes assessment is insufficient and concern for student engagement is often neglected. Implications for research and practice include additional investigation of the online faculty experience and the development of administrative training specifically focused on the needs of online programming and online faculty support.

Online programmes require a lot of support from across the institution to ensure student success. Online programmes support is provided by the administration and often determined by a formal assessment conducted for the purposes of accreditation. The problem is that U.S. higher education accrediting bodies focus predominantly on learning outcomes as defined by the U.S. Department of Education under the Higher Education Act of 1965 and its various amendments (Higher Education Act of 1965, 2022; U.S. Department of Education, 2023), as well as student evaluations which are widely used to determine teaching quality (Goos & Salomons, 2017) for assessment purposes. There is a dearth in the research related to how U.S. higher education administrative roles support online programmes outside of the need for accreditation and the provision of technological and online classroom support. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to examine the ways administrators working in U.S. higher education talk about assessment and support of online programmes. Through their discourse, we hope to analyse their perceptions of their role responsibilities as administrators over online programmes, faculty and students, to attain where they may need more training. Using critical discourse analysis (CDA), we seek to answer the following research question: In what ways, if at all, do U.S. higher education administrators talk about their roles in supporting and assessing their online programmes?


In this section, we look first at administrative roles within U.S. higher education to better frame governance, chain of command, and power structures. Then, we define online programmes and the support required to maintain online programmes' infrastructure, as well as popular forms of assessment utilised institutionally and for accrediting purposes.

1.1 Administrative roles in higher education

Institutions of higher education within the United States may at first glance seem to be built structurally the same; however, ‘in fact no two have been found to be exactly alike’ (Powers & Schloss, 2017, p. 27). Despite this fact, the administrative roles within U.S. higher education remain consistent across all institutions though they may vary depending on institutional size, scope and history (Johnson Bowles, 2022). However, most U.S. higher education administrative structures or chains of command can be categorised into five distinct levels (1) the governing authority (i.e., state governor and system board of trustees and/or regents); (2) system senior administration (i.e., system president or chancellor and system vice presidents or chancellors); (3) campus governing authority (i.e., institutional governing board of trustees/regents/visitors or college council); (4) campus senior administration/upper management (i.e., institutional president or chancellor, divisional leaders and chief officers); and (5) campus administration/middle management or mid-level administrators (i.e., associate or assistant vice presidents/chancellors, deans, assistant or associate deans and department chairs and directors) (Johnson Bowles, 2022).

U.S. higher education institutions all have similar academic and non-academic structures in terms of leadership and decision making related to governance (Powers & Schloss, 2017).

The American system of higher education, at all types of institutions, is largely characterized by this participatory governance model in both the public and private sectors, through which operations are facilitated by a central administration in concert with input from faculty, staff, and students. A myriad of committees, advisory groups, task forces, and panels form the threads that are woven into the tapestry of internal governance, from community colleges to liberal arts colleges to research universities to online institutions. (Powers & Schloss, 2017, p. 51)

The campus senior administrative and administrative level roles hold the largest amount of power related to decision making and creating policies and procedures within their institutions (Powers & Schloss, 2017). Their power lies in the ability to make executive decisions that create change. Middle management or mid-level administrators are empowered by campus senior administrators to implement policy and practice to enact change. They are also responsible for the oversight of their subordinates—faculty and staff—(Johnsrud et al., 2000; Rosser, 2000) and have the power to make decisions related to day-to-day departmental needs. Rosser (2004) noted that mid-level administrators play a pivotal role within institutions, but that ‘by virtue of their “middleness” within academic organizations, mid-level leaders must find balance between superiors’ directions and the needs of those who require their support and service’ (p. 319). Notably, their power lies in their ability to communicate needs between their subordinates and senior administrators.

1.2 Defining online programmes and needed support

Defining online programmes can be complex due to the various definitions and terminology found in the literature. In some cases, the terms conflict with one another (Singh & Thurman, 2019) or there is inconsistent use of terminology (Moore et al., 2011). For this reason, we define online programmes as those in which the majority of coursework is provided in an asynchronous format allowing students, who so desire, to complete their degree without the requirement of ever meeting in a physical classroom. Therefore, online programmes require a great deal of student and faculty support (Earnshaw & Bodine Al-Sharif, 2023).

Offering online student support is challenging from a U.S. perspective due to the differing structures and governance of academic divisions versus student support services. For some institutions, online programmes and student support services are housed within academic departments and some are under a global or world online campus (Lieberman, 2017). At some institutions, student support services are centralised, while online programming is decentralised and vice versa. This matters because the misalignment between student support services and online programmes can be a roadblock to collaboration and understanding of online student and programme needs.

Stewart et al. (2013) identified several areas at the university level to support students: ‘admissions and registration, advising, orientation [to the university and to online learning], academic support, scholarships and awards, library resources, computing and technology resources, articulation with other institutions, career placement and communication’ (p. 290). However, most online student support is at the course level (Rotar, 2022). At the course level, institutions require technical infrastructure for courses to run effectively and efficiently. This includes having privacy and data security (Hirumi et al., 2021), updated software and hardware for design, development and delivery (Dousay & Hall, 2021; Martin & Kumar, 2021), as well as the appropriate staff to support both faculty and students.

In addition, faculty support should align in the areas of training, financial resources, needed equipment and software packages to meet their teaching, learning, research and assessment needs (Shelton & Pederson, 2017). Providing online faculty support is more than addressing the needs of the classroom such as learner-centred approaches to teaching (Weimer, 2013), but also includes supporting faculty as professionals by developing communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1998), creating work-life balance (Denson & Szelényi, 2022), providing non−/tenured faculty mentoring programmes (Ng et al., 2021) and addressing issues of inclusivity (Xu, 2012) for the professoriate. This echoes the work of prior research (Gregory & Salmon, 2013; Vaill & Testori, 2012) that has also identified this as a weakness in online faculty support.

1.3 Current assessment for online programmes

Administrators currently assess online programming through a variety of methods, including, but not limited to, student evaluations and quality assurance frameworks (Piña, 2021; Piña & Bohn, 2014; Tobin et al., 2015). This is often driven by legislation and the need to meet the requirements of accrediting agencies (Higher Education Act of 1965, 2022; U.S. Department of Education, 2023). Student evaluations of the instructor (Piña & Bohn, 2014) are the most commonly used assessment tool, but they may not be customised for teaching online (Martin & Kumar, 2021; Miller & Digges-Elliott, 2021) and faculty may receive lower ratings for online courses than face-to-face ones (Marzano & Allen, 2016). Quality assurance frameworks such as Quality Matters (2018) or the OLC OSCQR Course Design Review Scorecard (Online Learning Consortium, 2018) focus heavily on the instructional design of the course (Tobin et al., 2015) and not on the instructor. Since some instructors may not even be responsible for the design and development of their courses (Piña & Bohn, 2014), these methods do not provide adequate information to make informed decisions about both the quality of online faculty (Piña & Bohn, 2014) and the online course development process (Piña, 2021).

1.4 Theoretical framework

For this work, we have selected two theoretical frameworks: role identity theory (Sluss et al., 2011) and psychological empowerment (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997; Spreitzer, 1995). Role identity theory examines the ways in which people define themselves within designated social positions (roles) and then how they act within those roles based on differing social contexts (Sluss et al., 2011). Therefore, role identity theory can aid in understanding how individuals define themselves within the roles that they occupy, as well as provide ‘an understanding of how individuals respond to the demands placed on them when facing multiple sets of role expectations’ (Anglin et al., 2022, p. 1474). Sluss et al. (2011) suggested that role identity is more than just the structural position, but also includes ‘the goals, values, beliefs, norms, interaction styles, and time horizons that are typically associated with a role’ (Ashforth, 2001, p. 6). Thus, role identity is heavily influenced by the meanings and expectations associated with one's role.

In addition, psychological empowerment was also selected as a theoretical framework (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997; Spreitzer, 1995). Based on Spreitzer's (1995) early work with psychological empowerment in the workplace, Quinn and Spreitzer (1997) identified four characteristics of empowerment which include (1) self-efficacy—an individual's internal belief that they have the ability to fulfil a task; (2) meaning—how one personally cares about their own work; (3) sense of competence—one's sense of confidence in their ability to do their work; and (4) sense of impact—one's belief that they influence their work environment or that ‘others listen to their ideas’ (p. 41). In addition, Quinn and Spreitzer (1997) noted, that there must be trust which is related to the strength and reliability in the relationship between the employee(s) and leadership.

Quinn and Spreitzer (1997) stated that ‘many of us implicitly discourage empowerment by reinforcing organizational structure and control systems that either intentionally or unintentionally send the message that we really do not trust people’ (p. 42). This messaging is embedded in bureaucratic culture, multi-level conflict and personal time constraints (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997). Bureaucratic culture maintains the status quo, stalls change and function through top-down directives. Multi-level conflict is created when divisions exist across areas that intentionally or unintentionally pit individuals against each other in competition for resources and advancement and ‘creates a hostile working environment in which people worry about protecting themselves rather than doing what is right for the organization’ (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997, p. 43). Personal time constraints occur when downsizing and layoffs force individuals to perform the work tasks of multiple individuals, inducing a stressful working environment that stifles innovation and new initiatives.

Together, role identity theory (Sluss et al., 2011) and psychological empowerment (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997; Spreitzer, 1995) provide an appropriate lens of analysis for this work. Role identity theory aids in understanding how our participants perceive their roles as administrators over online programmes while psychological empowerment aids in understanding how participants enact their ability or power to support and assess online programmes.


Utilising a critical epistemological lens that views reality and knowledge as ‘both socially constructed and influenced by power relationships from within society’ (Patel, 2015, tab.), we have selected critical discourse analysis (CDA) as our methodological approach. CDA is ‘the study of text and talk’ (van Dijk, 1995, p. 17). CDA focuses on the relationship between what is said—discourse—and society. Specifically, CDA examines ‘relations of power, dominance, and inequality and the ways these are reproduced or resisted by social group members through text and talk’ (van Dijk, 1995, p. 18). The ability to control and access differing patterns of discourse is dependent upon one's social power. Social power is derived from one's ability to exert influence over members of society (French & Raven, 1959) and resources (Magee & Galinsky, 2008). CDA also asserts that those in elite positions maintain a higher level of social power and therefore, have more control than ordinary people (van Dijk, 1995). Therefore, CDA ‘is a tool to help members of a profession understand the messages they are sending to themselves and others and to understand the meanings of the spoken and written texts by others’ (Mogashoa, 2014, p. 105). A key component of CDA is the concept of power or the ‘chance that a person in a social relationship can achieve his or her own will against the resistance of others’ (Mullet, 2018, p. 118). CDA is the appropriate choice for this research as we examine the ways administrators who hold the most social power within colleges and universities talk about providing needed assessment and support for online programmes, faculty and students. Their discourse will provide critical insight for needed change in training related to their administrative roles.

2.1 Research team

Our research team consisted of three members all of whom are serving in the southeastern Carnegie region (CCIHE, n.d.) as assistant professors and have been or are currently programmes coordinators of master's level online programmes in different fields of study, as well as have had experience teaching online at an R1 institution. The first researcher has worked in higher education for 15 years as a professional practitioner, administrator and faculty. Her former work experience provides insight and understanding of the administrative processes and challenges in supporting online programmes. The second researcher has over 20 years of experience in online learning as a student, course designer and faculty. Her academic and professional practitioner background as an instructional designer/developer gives insight into the infrastructure and pedagogical needs of online programmes. The third researcher's professional and academic background in psychology allows her to view online learning as a complex phenomenon that involves cognitive, social, developmental, neurological and other processes. She strives to improve the psychological factors that underlie online learning so that it can move from technology-centred to human-centred.

2.2 Trustworthiness

To ensure trustworthiness, a research team was created who collected data from multiple sources and institutional types, was consistent with data analysis and agreed to meet on a regular basis to discuss the research and triangulate findings. However, it is noted that CDA researchers often ‘reject a neutral, objective stance in research’ (Mullet, 2018, p. 120). Therefore, the researchers of this work have elected to ‘remain aware of the social, political, and economic motives that drive their own work and acknowledge that they do not occupy a superior position’ (Mullet, 2018, p. 120).

2.3 Participants

Purposive sampling was utilised for this research (Robinson, 2014). Purposive sampling is the intentional selection of participants based on their knowledge and experience with the subject matter being researched. For this research, participants are in administrative roles such as chairs, deans, provosts and vice presidents of academic affairs and are between the ages of 18 to 89. They are all supervisors of online programmes at their institutions.

In total, 11 participants volunteered to be interviewed. The interviews were semi-structured, recorded and transcribed verbatim (Schwandt, 2007). Respondents were from seven Carnegie-assigned regions of the United States (see Table 1 for specific regions) and from nine public and two private for-profit institutions (Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education [CCIHE], n.d.). Six of the participants were female, five were male. All but one participant identified solely as white/European American, one participant identified as Latino/Hispanic and one participant identified as white/European American and other (not specified). Pseudonyms were assigned to protect the participants' identities.

TABLE 1. Participant identifiers.
Participant pseudonym Sex at birth Gender identity Sexual orientation Race/ethnicity Age Current role Years in current role Overall years in admin roles Carnegie region Institutional type Institutional size
Alex M M H/S L/His 61 Assoc Provost 6 17 SE 4-yr P-FP 3000
Blake M M H/S W/EA 41 Dept Chair 5.5 7.5 NE 4-yr Pub 8000
Drew M M H/S W/EA 48 Dept Chair 3 5 SE 4-yr Pub 20,000
Frankie F F H/S W/EA 67 Exec Dir 8 days 29 SE 4-yr Pub 28,000
Jackie F F H/S W/EA 66 Dean 1 5 ME 4-yr P-FP 700
Jamie M M H/S W/EA 51 Asst Dean 2 11 SW 4-yr Pub 28,000
Jordan F F H/S W/EA 46 Asst Provost 7 22 SE 4-yr Pub 57,000
Kelly F F Pan W/EA 41 Assoc Dean 7 mos. 3+ TP 4-yr Pub 30,000
Kennedy F F Bi W/EA and other 51 Dept Chair 1.5 yrs.


GL 4-yr Pub 30,000
Parker M M H/S W/EA 56 Vice Provost 1 11 FW 4-yr Pub 36,000
Taylor F F H/S W/EA 45 Asst Dean 2 17 SW 4-yr Pub 28,000
  • Note: H/S (heterosexual/straight), Pan (Pansexual), Bi (Bisexual), L/His (Latino/Hispanic), W/EA (White/European American), Other (Race/Ethnicity not initially listed), SE (Southeastern), NE (New England), ME (Middle Eastern), SW (Southwestern), TP (The Plains), GL (Great Lakes), FW (Far Western), P-FP (Private For-Profit), Pub (Public).

2.4 Data collection

Upon appropriate IRB approval from The UAB Institutional Review Board for Human Use under protocol number IRB-300008594, the researchers sent a recruitment email to the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) listserv to recruit potential participants for the research study. The email included information about the purpose of the study, qualifications to participate and a Qualtrics link they could click to provide initial demographic information and consent to participate in the study. The researchers conducted the interviews using 18 semi-structured interview questions (Schwandt, 2007) that focused on infrastructure, faculty development and the marketing and recruitment for their online programmes. Interviews lasted no longer than 2 hours and were transcribed using transcription software.

2.5 Data analysis

Intertextuality was our method of data analysis. Intertextuality looks at how discourse intersects across differing aspects of language (Kristeva, 1980). At the points of intersection, intertexts are formed and can expose structures of power, social problems and societal meanings (Fairclough, 1992). This is achieved by examining text from two axes—horizontal connecting the researchers to the research and vertically connecting individual discourses to one another (Kristeva, 1980). Intertexts are the ‘weaving of voices’ (Barthes, 1970/1974, p. 20). Barthes (1970/1974) and Kristeva (1980) both noted that no text stands alone; all texts are interwoven and gain their meaning from prior texts. According to Barthes (1970/1974), intertexts form their meaning through five distinct types of voices found within texts and each voice creates a different code. The five voices and their related codes include: empiric voices which produce proairetic codes that determine cause and effect; person voices which produce semic codes that determine connotations and help to define discourse; science voices which produce cultural codes that determine cultural order/truths that are considered common knowledge; truth voices that determine hermeneutic codes which help to reveal mysteries; and symbol voices that determine symbolic codes that reinforce dominant culture and expose conflicts (Barthes, 1970/1974).

Figure 1 demonstrates the consistent need for the researchers to be connected to the text as meaning is developed through intertextual analysis. Researchers look at each text individually and then in relation to how it is interwoven within the other texts – moving back and forth between the vertical and horizontal axes.

Details are in the caption following the image
Intertextual analysis. The figure demonstrates intertextual analysis based on the work of both Kristeva (1980) and Barthes (1970/1974).

The intertexts revealed were analysed in relation to Barthes' (1970/1974) five voices and their associated codes and placed in a spreadsheet. Themes evolved only where the collective voices of all participants were found. As the codes were examined, four themes emerged in relation to administrative support of online programmes: (1) the role of mid-level administrators as gatekeepers, (2) administrators do not view online faculty holistically, (3) assessment as a check-the-box culture and (4) student engagement as a secondary thought. Each of these is further expounded on in the findings section below.


This study sought to examine the ways administrators working in U.S. higher education talk about assessing and supporting online programmes. Specifically, we wanted to know what administrators perceive to be the needs of online programmes, how programmes are assessed to determine needs and based on their perceptions and assessments, how they provide support. In the following sections, we expound on the four themes that emerged from our work.

3.1 Mid-level administrators are gatekeepers

Our data analysis revealed that mid-level administrators are the main gatekeepers to providing support for online programmes. Their role is socially constructed and influenced by their power relationship with campus senior administrators (Patel, 2015). They serve as the initial access point to advocate for needed resources and support for online programmes and faculty. However, due to their self-identified middleness, they are caught in a top-down bureaucratic reporting structure giving the greatest social power for decision making and change (French & Raven, 1959) to senior administrators while they utilise their power to enact campus senior administrative directives toward their subordinates. This power relationship (van Dijk, 1995) reveals itself through their discourse about their role expectations and responsibilities.

Within Drew's role as a department chair, we see somewhat hostile beliefs about his relationship with his senior campus administrator. He noted, ‘I'll be honest with you, I'm not a big fan of… whatever the provost is promoting’. Here we see a multi-level conflict (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997), which may represent a hostile working environment limiting Drew's willingness within his role to do what is right for his programmes and faculty. He stated,

Right now, [it] is basically, you know, first come [referring to faculty] first serve when it comes to issues that arise… So, it's more of the squeaky wheel [that] gets the grease [than] anything else, as opposed to [me] being proactive. So, from an infrastructure standpoint, you know, I think the greatest problem we have is that you have chairs that have visions for one thing, and then there's an office [senior administration] that is running, that never communicates with the chairs about what [their] vision [is]… So, we're just kind of spinning, you know, in terms of what we think we should provide, as opposed to what we really need to provide.

As we worked through the interview process with Drew, he became self-aware of the message he was sending himself and others (Mogashoa, 2014) related to his ability to do more as a mid-level administrator in communicating his subordinates' needs up the chain of command, but he had not been fulfilling these role expectations (Anglin et al., 2022) because he did not believe that he had the ability to do so. This low self-efficacy (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997) to fulfil his administrative tasks by supporting his faculty was noted when he shared,

You know, we're [chairs] doing woefully bad when it comes to how we prepare people to do online teaching and how we do assessment of that online teaching versus on ground. I mean, I think that's the realisation that I'm coming to… right now as we go through this interview process.

Blake, a department chair and mid-level administrator, did not feel that he had the ability to impact or influence (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997) individuals who may be in charge of marketing and recruiting for the online programmes that he oversees, because he believed that was not part of his mid-level administrative role expectations (Anglin et al., 2022). Blake stated, ‘I don't seem to be privy to a lot of those conversations, which I would jokingly say… it's above my paygrade’. For faculty that may be recruiting for their own programmes and need support, this discourse is problematic because Blake is the middle link in the chain of command between faculty and campus senior administrators.

CDA asserts that those in elite positions maintain a higher level of social power and therefore, have more control than ordinary people (van Dijk, 1995). Though Drew and Blake do not have the same level of institutional power found in campus senior administrative roles, they are in a pivotal mid-level administrative role where their awareness along with inaction asserts negative power over their subordinates whose needs are not being communicated to those who could create avenues for change and support. This could lead to competition for resources by their subordinates and in turn create a hostile working environment where individuals are consistently having to protect their own interests (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997).

Frankie, who serves in an executive director and mid-level administrative role, showed little care or meaning (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997) for her work when she neglected to advocate for change in review processes. She noted,

I just had a meeting about that, and we were talking about not so much individual faculty review, but more widely programming course review. And… I was a little shocked because I didn't want to get involved at that point. So, I just texted the person who was chairing the discussion to say… the student learning outcomes stay the same no matter what the modality is, and you have to meet those student learning outcomes.

Frankie, like Drew and Blake, completely missed an opportunity to use the power of her position to advocate for assessment processes that could look past the typical accrediting agency requirements related to learning outcomes (U.S. Department of Education, 2023). Through the lens of CDA, these mid-level administrators all seem to misunderstand the messages that they are sending to their subordinates about how they are valued (Mogashoa, 2014). Likewise, they are showing that in their roles and the social contexts (Sluss et al., 2011) of their institutions of higher education, it is acceptable to maintain the status quo even if it negatively impacts the ability to promote growth and innovation.

3.2 Administrators do not view online faculty holistically

As administrators shared their perspectives, it became very clear that online faculty were not viewed holistically. Our administrative participants often assessed online faculty as if their roles were identical to face-to-face faculty regarding workload responsibilities, professional development and assessment. They had mixed ideas about the online faculty role and its non−/similarities to the face-to-face faculty role, despite the research that has been done in this area that suggests otherwise (Martin et al., 2022; Martin & Kumar, 2021; Piña & Bohn, 2016).

Jackie, a dean and mid-level administrator, noted that she is the primary resource for all faculty and that ‘resources are limited’. She recognised that more support was needed but had personal time constraints (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997) that limited her ability to provide needed support. Likewise, she discussed a dependency on adjunct faculty who also needed training, but this required taxing the current faculty who may or may not teach online with providing the training. She stated,

I would like to get more faculty involved who are good at it [teaching online] to maybe even create a conversational video to start with tips… they [faculty] also worry that our adjuncts, especially since it is mostly adjuncts online, [are having] a lonely experience out there… I also feel that we need to do a better onboarding job because some have been thrown into it and are not good at it. And I don't want to lose our students. So, I feel there is more needed.

CDA often informs where advocacy is needed, but it is up to the individuals, in this case Jackie, to act (French & Raven, 1959; van Dijk, 1995). While she understood the power limitations within her role to enact change (Anglin et al., 2022; Sluss et al., 2011), she also has not utilised the power that she does have to convey the need up her chain of command and act by requesting assistance.

Both Alex, an associate provost, and Parker, a vice provost, noted the different ways in which they have provided technological support for their online faculty as campus senior administrators. Alex stated, ‘Our instructional technologists work on a completely flexible schedule. They don't have set hours; they are given complete flexibility and they work remotely’. Through the lens of CDA (French & Raven, 1959; van Dijk, 1995) and role identity theory (Sluss et al., 2011), we can see that while Alex celebrates the flexibility of the role of the instructional technologist, he fails to acknowledge the role of the online faculty who are also working non-traditional hours without that same flexibility and support.

As we look at the relationship between what our campus senior administrators are saying and how that is enacted upon subordinates, we can clearly see that inequality is being produced (van Dijk, 1995). For example, Parker similarly shared that his institution has,

Shifted from a kind of a skeleton staff [being] available to help faculty when technology issues come up in our online programmes [to] the faculty working with an instructional designer from day one to develop that course. And so, there's a lot of… professional development that's going on there, because that's something we're not used to having… somebody who is an expert in how to teach, to help develop the courses.

Although instructional designers provide pedagogical assistance, there are additional aspects of the faculty role including the need for schedule flexibility and support outside of course development (i.e., research and service) that is needed.

Jordan, an associate provost, seemed to be the only campus senior administrator to have a greater awareness of the need for a holistic approach to supporting online faculty and programmes. She stated, ‘The biggest challenge we're facing… [is that] we have to make things easier, both for students [and] for faculty, but also for administrators trying to enact change’. She pointed out the need to push back against the bureaucratic culture (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997) that maintains the status quo and prevents change at all levels. She had a strong understanding of her role and the expectations associated with it (Ashforth, 2001).

3.3 Assessment has become a check-the-box culture

Overall, our findings show that the assessment of online programmes and faculty has taken on a minimalist approach that checks-the-box to say the task of assessment, as defined by accrediting bodies and legislation (Higher Education Act of 1965, 2022; U.S. Department of Education, 2023), as well as U.S. institutional teaching quality standards (Goos & Salomons, 2017), has been completed through student evaluations, hiring practices and informal mentoring, but does not serve the deeper need for the development of these programmes nor the faculty that teach within them.

Kennedy, a department chair and mid-level administrator, shared a need for the institution to assess online faculty differently than face-to-face faculty when using student evaluations. Her concerns in differential assessment were centred around the lack of online faculty representation on student evaluation committees. She shared,

Then what gets designed are questions like, check off the things below that your instructor created in the learning environment. It is all stuff that can only be done on campus, or [it] doesn't make sense for an online learner or a grad[uate] learner.

While her advocacy within her role is admirable, she does not recognise all of the responsibilities or needs for assessment related to online faculty or online programmes. Her sense of impact is high, but she is still utilising her power to reinforce ‘organizational structures and control systems’ (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997, p. 42) that promote the status quo.

When questioned about how online faculty are assessed, Blake, a department chair and mid-level administrator, stated he assesses online faculty at the point of hire. He noted, ‘We hire really intentionally… It's in our job ads that, experience teaching online is a minimum qualification, … minimally, it's they've taught online before’. He expounded, ‘to teach our students, … I think it is really personality driven. I think there's always been good people. Just good souls, you know, in that area’. Mogashoa (2014) spoke about the ways in which CDA can be utilised as a tool to help members within a profession to understand what messages they are sending. Here, we see Blake telling us that in his role as a mid-level administrator, he is tasked with hiring for his department and his way of assessing qualifications and needs for online faculty is to hire ‘good souls’ who have experience teaching online, even if only minimal experience.

Jamie, an assistant dean, noted that while he does not have a formal assessment for online programmes or faculty in place, he does try to monitor new online faculty more closely and provides them with a coach or mentor who is often a senior faculty member. He shared,

We actually place them in a live course, where they can watch and interact with an instructor who's actually teaching. And we hope to find the best ones to pair them with. The goal is that they look at a course that they might be teaching, but honestly, I'm more concerned that they'd be with an instructor that's really good, and the hope is that fosters a relationship so that when that instructor … [has] questions they have a buddy to call. We don't formalise that in all the ways we [would] like to, [but] one of these days…

CDA often exposes the relationship between power and action or in this case, lack thereof (van Dijk, 1995). Jamie is in a position as a mid-level administrator that allows him the power to create a formal assessment plan, but instead, he has created an informal mentorship programme that lacks a data-driven approach to onboarding new online faculty.

3.4 Student engagement is a secondary thought

Despite current research that states online programmes should be built around student engagement (Borup et al., 2020; Earnshaw & Bodine Al-Sharif, 2023), our administrative participants often treated student engagement as a secondary thought. Kennedy, a department chair and mid-level administrator, noted that the concern for student engagement was sometimes lost in the desire to fill seats. When asked if online classes were sometimes overloaded to fill enrollment needs, he said,

Yeah, I think that is happening in some departments, and sometimes, I [have been] an external reviewer in [those] department[s]. … I do think that the [senior] administration is wholly unprepared to acknowledge how much work it is to do online ed. Well, and then, I think that the people [faculty] who are forced into it [teaching online] are trying to do great things, but they also worry so much about dropping the rigour, that they end up packing their classes with a bunch of busy work [and] that's actually not teaching either.

Taylor, an assistant dean and mid-level administrator, spoke about student engagement based on enrollment management services (Shelton & Pederson, 2017) but not how students engaged within online programmes. She stated, ‘Then, it's really the delivery. Again, when it comes to all those services [marketing, admissions, records, and advisors], … we can partner. So, we've done all that for our students’. The reinforcement of enrollment management processes that push quantity over quality contributes to bureaucratic cultures that maintain the status quo and stall positive systemic change (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997). Both Kennedy and Taylor are reinforcing organisational structures that centre on the processing of students to meet institutional enrollment goals, but not on student engagement within their online programmes. Here CDA reveals how the reproduction of dominant institutional power structures controls the student engagement experience (van Dijk, 1995).

Kelly, an associate dean and mid-level administrator, noted that it is difficult to provide equitable engagement and support of students in online programmes because ‘there's a lot of mindset that campus services are available to everyone, but they're not always accessible from [a] distance’. Kelly understands that one of the expectations of her role is to provide opportunities for student engagement (Anglin et al., 2022), but lacked a sense of self-efficacy (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997) in her ability to do so. Parker, a vice provost and campus senior administrator, also noted that in his role, he had not ‘done a good job of that. We have been much more, you know, offices are open from nine to five, and hopefully, you can make it to campus’.

Jamie, an assistant dean and mid-level administrator, shared that he had taken a different approach to student engagement. He noted,

From a programme perspective, we really want to focus on [what is] relevant. We want them to be learning things that they can apply the next day at work. Or as soon as they finish and go to work. And a lot of our students are working in the field that they're also learning [about] at the same time. … So, across our curriculum, we really focus on relevance, we really focus on application. And we really focus on helping them understand why it matters.

While he is displaying a sense of competence through the confidence in his actions (Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997), he failed in his role to recognise the need to assess his students' experiences to see if this is what they needed.


Based on our findings, the administrative approach to supporting and assessing online programmes is limited by the focus placed on meeting the needs of accrediting bodies (Goos & Salomons, 2017; Higher Education Act of 1965, 2022; U.S. Department of Education, 2023). While the campus senior administrative and the mid-level administrative roles carry the most power to enact change within U.S. institutions of higher education (Powers & Schloss, 2017), their actions are limited due to their own complacency in reinforcing organisational structures and control systems that perpetuate the status quo, stalling the ability to implement new ideas and relying on top-down administrative action between these two levels of the chain of command.

Because the mid-level administrative role is not clearly defined in terms of its responsibility to assess and support online programmes outside of accreditation, mid-level administrators are missing opportunities to create holistic and innovative changes within online programmes and for online faculty that they oversee. Mid-level administrators will not be able to appropriately advocate for online programmes until campus senior administrators clearly define their role expectations in communicating up the chain of command needs for assessment, support and change that goes beyond accrediting body needs (Ashforth, 2001; Sluss et al., 2011).

In essence, the relationship between the campus senior administrators and the mid-level administrators must be appropriately coupled for power transference to be enacted both up and down the chain of command in such a way as to support online programmes and faculty appropriately and holistically. For this to happen, the current assessment of online programmes and faculty support must be expanded beyond accrediting body requirements and technological needs.

4.1 Limitations

A limitation of our study is related to the timing of data collection. As many institutions began to resume face-to-face coursework, the hyperfocus on online learning and services during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the weaknesses in online/technological infrastructures at many institutions (Garrett et al., 2020) and may have influenced some of our participants' perceptions of the importance of these infrastructures.

4.2 Implications for practice

We provide the following four suggestions to administrators in higher education. First, mid-level administrators who directly oversee online programmes need additional training in working within the online environment. Second, training should specifically include how to better assess all aspects of online programming beyond technological needs and current student evaluations. Assessment tools are needed that focus specifically on teaching quality and student engagement like that introduced by Piña and Bohn (2014). Third, specific focus must be placed on the holistic support of online faculty regarding onboarding, training in how to teach online and their own professional growth. Fourth, administrators must view student engagement from an online programme perspective looking beyond the recruitment and enrollment processes.

4.3 Implications for research

We strongly suggest that more research be conducted on the specific differences between online and face-to-face faculty workloads based on faculty classification, programme responsibilities and career trajectories. We also strongly suggest that further research be conducted to address the online student experience and how their engagement and/or lack thereof impact retention and graduation rates.


The purpose of our research was to examine how U.S. higher education administrators assess and support online programmes. Our research revealed, as clearly noted by Drew, a ‘woeful’ situation related to administrators' overall understanding of online programmes and faculty. Administrators are missing opportunities for the advancement of their programmes due to the hyper focus on accrediting body requirements and technological supports. This means online faculty may not receive the professional development that they need to be competitive in their academic fields which can impact their support of students. Additionally, we have exposed a clear breakdown of how online programme needs are understood, communicated and addressed between campus senior administrators and mid-level administrators. Therefore, U.S. higher education administrators at these two levels will only be able to create change if they are appropriately trained and empowered within their administrative roles to do so.


Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif: Conceptualization; investigation; methodology; supervision; formal analysis; project administration; visualization; writing – original draft; writing – review and editing. Yvonne Earnshaw: Conceptualization; investigation; formal analysis; project administration; writing – review and editing; writing – original draft. Stephanie Corcoran: Investigation; formal analysis; writing – original draft; writing – review and editing.


We have no known conflict of interest to disclose.


Research data are not shared.

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