Volume 93, Issue S2 p. 270-286
Full Access

Expertise reversal effect in a pen-tablet-based learning environment: The role of learningcentered emotions in the interplay between learner expertise and task complexity

Claudia Schrader

Corresponding Author

Claudia Schrader

School of Education, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany


Claudia Schrader, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, School of Education, Gaußstrasse 20, 42119 Wuppertal, Germany.

Email: [email protected]

Contribution: Data curation, Formal analysis, ​Investigation, Methodology, Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing

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Slava Kalyuga

Slava Kalyuga

School of Education, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Contribution: ​Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing

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First published: 19 September 2022
Citations: 2


The study investigated interactions between learner expertise and task complexity evaluated from both cognitive and affective perspectives. One hundred and seventy-three students, both novices and advanced learners, were asked to learn Japanese writing in a pen-tablet-based digital learning environment with varying task complexity levels. Cognitive load and learning-centred emotions were measured at intervals during learning, while writing performance was monitored by runtime tracking. Results indicated that while advanced learners performed better than novices across the range of task complexity, the moderate task complexity was shown to be superior in enhancing performance for both levels of expertise. Results for learning-centred emotions showed that advanced learners reported lower enjoyment and higher frustration when completing the low complexity task, whereas the moderately complex task was reported to be the most enjoyable and less frustrating for these learners. No significant difference in emotions was found across levels of task complexity for novices. Finally, a constructed composite indicator of cognitive-affective efficiency of instructional conditions showed a significant interaction between levels of learner expertise and task complexity primarily caused by affective factors.


In line with the widespread use of digital learning environments in educational contexts, considerable attention in research has focused on various factors that determine their learning effectiveness. One important factor is prior knowledge that learners bring to a learning environment. Within a framework of cognitive load theory (Sweller, 2010; Sweller et al., 2011), this moderating effect of prior knowledge is described as the expertise reversal effect (Kalyuga et al., 2003). It indicates that the instructional techniques most suitable for low-knowledge learners, are not always effective for advanced learners and vice versa. Numerous empirical studies have found substantial evidence for this interaction, demonstrating that a mismatch between instructional techniques and learner expertise may increase unnecessary cognitive load (Kalyuga, 2007), decrease motivation (e.g., Kalyuga, 2014) and negatively impact learning outcomes (e.g., Leslie et al., 2012; Rey & Fischer, 2013).

Task complexity is another essential factor that might influence the effectiveness of instructions for learners with different expertise levels (Kalyuga, 2011b). Task complexity, as a fixed and invariant objective structural task characteristic, can determine required working memory resources and make a task more or less difficult for individual learners depending on their knowledge (Robinson, 2001). While all learners should perform better on simple tasks than on complex ones, it could be argued that novices should be presented with relatively simple tasks in order to avoid detrimental effects on learning. Experts, on the contrary, should be presented with relatively more complex tasks. However, some preliminary evidence demonstrates that the impact of varying task characteristics linked to task complexity on novices' learning may not be straightforward, as sometimes intuitively assumed (Schrader & Kayuga, under review). Furthermore, the existing research on the expertise reversal effect has done little to reconcile cognitive and affective aspects of learning. Emotions are part of the learning experience, affecting working memory resources in one direction or another, depending on the particular emotion and its intensity (see Plass & Kalyuga, 2019). Accordingly, this study intended to examine the interaction between learner expertise and task complexity from both a cognitive and an affective perspective.


In cognitive load theory, the importance of prior knowledge for learning is underpinned by the interconnections between two major components of human cognitive architecture: long-term memory and working memory (Sweller, 2010; Sweller et al., 2011). The cognitive load imposed on limited-capacity working memory is described through the concept of element interactivity. It refers to the connectedness between the elements of information that need to be processed simultaneously in a learner's working memory in order to make sense of the instruction (Sweller, 2010). Intrinsic load – a type of load that is essential for achieving learning goals – is determined by the natural complexity of a learning task, that is the level of interactivity between essential elements of information considering a learner's level of expertise. In contrast, extraneous load – a wasteful, unnecessary load which is imposed due to suboptimal instructional designs – is determined by the level of interactivity involving non-essential connections and elements. Thus, the more interactive elements of information associated with either intrinsic or extraneous load are involved in a learning task, the higher is learner cognitive load, the more working memory capacity is needed for meaningful processing of this information.

For the scope of this study, task complexity is defined as a fixed and invariant objective task characteristic (Robinson, 2001) encompassing the number of information elements within a task, the number of (interrelated and conflicting) subtasks, the number of activities or paths and the amount of time required for the learner to find the optimal path to perform the task (e.g., Campbell, 1988; Wood, 1986). Robinson (2001) suggests that an increase in magnitude of any of these objective task characteristics implies an increase in the required working memory resources and other information processing means. Empirical evidence supporting this assumption could be found, for example in the study of Lyell et al. (2018).

The impact a task and its complexity on cognitive processing, however, also depends on the extent of learners' relevant knowledge base. Accordingly, differences in learner prior knowledge may contribute to differences in the perception of task difficulty, experienced cognitive load and performance. For example, in the absence of relevant knowledge structures in long-term memory (e.g., for novice learners), processing many interconnected elements of a complex task simultaneously could hinder learning because of a heavy load on working memory, as it may process only a few units of novel information at a time (Baddeley, 1986; Cowan, 2001; Miller, 1956). However, if available and activated, relevant knowledge structures in long-term memory may allow more advanced learners to encapsulate many interactive elements of information and to process them as a single unit (i.e., chunk) in their working memory. As a result, the cognitive load would be kept within the capacity of working memory. Accordingly, learning performance and cognitive load could differ substantially for novices and advance learners.

From a cognitive load perspective, the need to tailor instructional techniques to learner levels of expertise in a way that balances cognitive load is usually referred to as the expertise reversal effect (see Kalyuga, 2007, for overviews). For example, the isolated elements technique – the initial presentation of complex tasks with high levels of element interactivity as a set of disconnected, isolated elements in a stepwise manner – has been shown to improve novices' learning outcomes (e.g., Blayney et al., 2010, 2015; Lu et al., 2020). With more knowledgeable learners though, some of the studies (e.g., Blayney et al., 2010, 2015) found this technique as not effective or even detrimental for learning, indicating the expertise-reversal effect.

However, it is not clear why the expertise reversal effect does not always apply in its entirety in many empirical studies, showing only partial reversal on one side (experts or novices only) with null findings on the other end (e.g., Blayney et al., 2015; Leslie et al., 2012; Likourezos & Kalyuga, 2017). One possible approach to explaining such null findings is to argue that the full reversal in the case of novices would only apply to materials with sufficiently high levels of element interactivity (i.e., higher levels of task complexity). Otherwise, the learner's working memory would be sub-challenged (Schnotz & Kürschner, 2007) and its capacity would not be surpassed with any of the compared instructional techniques (Chen et al., 2017). This approach highlights the importance of aligning task complexity with the learners' expertise on which the effectiveness of any instruction may depend on.

Another potential approach is to consider the role of affective factors in expertise reversal phenomena described in the next section. While cognitive load theory is widely used to predict and explain the expertise reversal effect, the cognitive load perspective may not be the only one offering a viable explanation.


Emotions in the context of learning and achievement are either related to the learning activity itself or to the outcome of this activity (Pekrun, 2006). This study focuses on emotions which occur during learning activities, labelled as activity-related emotions or learning-centred emotions, which have been shown to be directly affected by task characteristics and instructional techniques (e.g., D'Mello & Graesser, 2011). More specifically, the study investigates two major learning-centred emotions, namely enjoyment as a positive activating emotion and frustration as a negative activating emotion.

In a number of theoretical frameworks in and outside the context of multimedia learning, such as the control-value theory of achievement and emotions (CVT; Pekrun, 2006; Pekrun & Perry, 2014), the extended multimedia learning theory (Cognitive-Affective Theory of Learning with Media; Moreno & Mayer, 2007) and the Integrated Cognitive-Affective Theory of Learning with Media (ICALM; Plass & Kaplan, 2016), emotions have been linked to cognitive (working memory) load.

For example, emotions could fundamentally raise working memory resources (Isen, 1987) and foster their use (Ainley et al., 2005; Bless et al., 1996), thus resulting in better learning outcomes (Um et al., 2012). The contrasting assumption is that emotions could lead to an attentional shift from task-relevant aspects to the object of emotions and consume cognitive resources (i.e., extraneous load on limited resources of working memory) (Meinhardt & Pekrun, 2003). Empirical findings refer to the fact that whether emotions facilitate or impair successful learning depends in particular on the discrete emotion and its intensity. For instance, the overall effect of enjoyment on learning and achievement is positive as shown in a recent meta-analysis of emotions in technology-based learning by Loderer et al. (2018). The findings for frustration, on the contrary, have not been always consistent. Whereas most of the existing studies report small but detrimental effects of frustration on learning, few empirical results show that a mild level of frustration increases the advanced learners' use of working memory resources in order to avoid failure (e.g., D'Mello et al., 2014; Shute et al., 2015).

Despite the substantial evidence that learning-centred emotions influence cognitive processes and learning outcomes, this influence received less attention in research on patterns of interplay between learner expertise and task complexity. Still, affective factors have been previously suggested to influence the expertise reversal effect (e.g., Kalyuga, 2011a; Paas et al., 2005). In the case of more knowledgeable learners, it could be plausible to assume that, as there is nothing new to learn from tasks of low complexity, these learners might develop frustration (Schrader & Nett, 2018). As a result, their learning could be inhibited, in line with the hypothesis of narrowing cognitive resources for learning (Kalyuga, 2011b; Plass & Kalyuga, 2019). Thus, advanced learners may perform worse than expected when given too simple tasks.

However, learners may also tend to choose tasks which they perceive as more difficult over simple tasks, for a higher emotional reward. Schrader & Kayuga (under review) demonstrated that when novices were challenged by relatively more complex tasks, enjoyment increased, as did the use of cognitive resources and the learning performance. Thus, well challenged novices performed better than expected on more difficult tasks. These findings might possibly explain the null results in performance in some studies that demonstrated only partial (one-side) expertise reversal effect (e.g., Likourezos & Kalyuga, 2017).

Therefore, the straightforward, intuitively assumed relations between levels of expertise and task complexity may not hold if affective factors are taken into account. In other words, learning-centred emotions might (at least, partially) change the pattern of performance expected according to the expertise reversal effect.


The aim of this study was to explore the interaction between learner expertise and task complexity by considering both cognitive load and learning-centred emotions. For the study, a pen-tablet-based digital learning environment was used to teach novices and advanced learners how to write Japanese characters.

The complexity of Japanese letters was chosen as an experimental factor. Tasks at three different levels of complexity (low, moderate and high) were created in the digital learning environment. Complexity was determined by the number of elements of the provided Japanese letters. Based on the classified levels of Japanese letters (e.g., Marciano et al., 2015), for each of the three levels, Japanese letters were chosen that differed in terms of the number of single strokes required to write a full letter (from two single strokes at the low complexity level up to multiple strokes at the highest level).

To write Japanese letters, the single strokes must be memorized and put together precisely in a given order. This has been shown to be one of the major problems that learners face when learning Japanese writing, especially in the case of learners with no or limited prior knowledge (Librenjak et al., 2012). The letters which require remembering and executing more than two single strokes are sufficiently high in element interactivity and hence complexity. This should lead to higher levels of cognitive load. Therefore, firstly, no interaction between learner expertise (novices vs. advanced learners) and levels of task complexity (i.e., low, moderate, high) for cognitive load was expected. Low complexity tasks are assumed to lead to a lower level of cognitive load than high complexity tasks for both levels of expertise. Tasks of a moderate level of complexity would be expected to generate intermediate results.

Secondly, an interaction between the level of expertise and task complexity for learning-centred emotions was predicted. However, no specific assumption was made regarding the direction of this interaction, due to the rare and inconsistent research findings concerning the relationships between learner expertise, task complexity and learning-centred emotions. On the one hand, it could be assumed that novices should demonstrate higher enjoyment and lower frustration in low complexity tasks, compared to novices who are given tasks of a moderate and high-level complexity. On the other hand, it could also be the case that the level of enjoyment might be similar or even higher for novices in the moderate and high complex tasks, due to the learners' desire to be challenged. For advanced learners, it can be assumed that enjoyment should be low and frustration high when carrying out low complexity tasks, due to being underchallenged. With an increase in complexity (from moderate to high complexity), enjoyment should increase and frustration decrease.

Finally, by taking the previous expectations about cognitive load and learning-centred emotions into account, the learning performance of novices when presented with complex tasks, is expected to deteriorate due to higher cognitive load in comparison with situations in which they are presented with low complexity tasks or moderate tasks.

However, considering a possible positive impact of enjoyment on the working memory resources of novices in either easier or relatively more challenging learning situations (depending on the assumed viewpoint mentioned above), the learning results relating to the three levels of complexity for novices could be accordingly adjusted.

Advanced learners, on the other hand, would be expected to perform better than (or at least, as well as) novices at all levels of task complexity. From a cognitive load perspective, their performance should also be higher for low complexity tasks in comparison with the task at moderate or high level of complexity. However, due to the possibility that advanced learners might feel underchallenged and become frustrated when carrying out the low complexity tasks, this could potentially result in the expertise reversal effect (i.e., advanced learners performing better when facing relatively more complex tasks by comparison with simple tasks). Tasks of a moderate level of complexity would be expected to generate intermediate results. Another possibility, especially if the simple tasks still allow for a substantial improvement in performance for advanced learners (i.e., no ‘ceiling effect’), is that a partial expertise reversal might occur, with a significant interaction between expertise and task complexity, but not an actual reversal in performance.



The sample consisted of 173 university students (59 males, 114 females, Mage = 24.14, SD = 5.28) from different fields of study, majoring, among others in Asian and Japanese studies, psychology or teacher training. Most of the students (72%) were right-handed. 58.4% reported to have no prior knowledge of the use of pen-based tablets, whereas 38.7% reported to have intermediate knowledge and 2.9% reported to be experts in using such devices.

A G*Power (Faul et al., 2009) analysis with a medium effect size of .25, a preset power of .80 and an alpha error of .05 showed that the number of participants was large enough for the planned ANOVAs concerning main effects and interactions.

Pen-tablet-based digital learning environment and task complexity manipulation

A pen-tablet-based digital learning environment was designed to teach learners to write nine Hiragana letters as one script of Japanese letters, over the course of three consecutive learning sections (see Figure 1). In each of the three sections, the letters were demonstrated to the students first, according to their shape, number and the order and direction of single strokes. In the practice element that followed, students were instructed to practice these letters by using a CTL-490DW pen-tablet (Wacom), with an active writing area of 152 x 95 mm, a resolution of 2540 lpi and a 10-bit pressure resolution (1024 pressure levels) (see Figure 2).

Details are in the caption following the image
Screenshot of Hiramon
Details are in the caption following the image
Experimental apparatus

Three different conditions of the pen-tablet-based digital learning environment were created according to the task complexity: (1) a condition with low task complexity (LTC), a condition with moderate task complexity (MTC) and a condition with high task complexity (HTC). The low complexity task contained simple Hiragana letters, such as ‘n’ or ‘chi’, which only require up to two single strokes in order to write a complete letter. The task with a moderate degree of complexity was an extended version of the easier task with basic letters, however, more than two single strokes had to be learnt. In contrast, the task with a high level of complexity contained letters with multiple strokes (up to four), such as ‘ho’, which had to be memorized and executed in the correct order during writing. It was also required that these letters be created using a combination of basic letters. As such, students also needed to identify and memorize the basic, single letters involved.


Cognitive load

Cognitive load was assessed after each of the three learning sections using six subjective rating items similar to those used for assessing intrinsic and extraneous load in the scale by Leppink et al. (2013), evaluated on a seven-point Likert scale (ranging from 1, ‘very little’, to 7, ‘very much’). Subjective ratings of cognitive load have been demonstrated as providing sufficiently valid and reliable estimates of perceived load in a non-intrusive way, and correlating highly with objective measures (e.g., Braarud, 2001; Hill et al., 1992; Nygren, 1991). The reliability based on average of the three time points of measurement of cognitive load was Cronbach's α = .83.

Learning-centred emotions

To ascertain students' experience of enjoyment and frustration, single item measures on a seven-point Likert scale (ranging from 1, ‘very little’, to 7, ‘very much’) were used, asking participants after each of the three learning sections to what extent they experienced both emotions. As demonstrated by Wanous et al. (1997) in a meta-analysis, single item measures are highly correlated with multi-item scales and thus are fairly valid and more economic in specific situations, such as in this case when the items were implemented in the used learning environment and thus lengthy questionnaires are not practical.

Furthermore, the single-item measurement used in this study has already been used successfully in earlier research on multimedia learning, (e.g., Schrader & Nett, 2018; Schrader & Kalyuga, 2020) with the advantage of being less time-consuming.

Level of expertise and learning performance

The students' level of prior knowledge in relation to Japanese calligraphy before learning commenced in the pen-tablet-based digital learning environment, was objectively and subjectively assessed. Students were asked to write down nine Hiragana letters of the same degree of complexity as the nine letters that had to be learned and practiced in the pen-tablet-based digital learning environment. Furthermore, in order to supplement objective measurement-based classification with a subjective self-assessment, a self-report with various response options (‘no level of expertise’[1], ‘beginner’[2], ‘intermediate’[3], ‘advanced’[4] and ‘expert’[5]) was used.

As measure of the learning performance (i.e., the actual performance in the digital learning environment), the students' writing in the pen-tablet-based digital learning environment was continuously tracked.

For both objective measures – that is the measure of the level of expertise before starting to learn and the writing performance during learning – the students' writing was assessed in terms of the percentage correctness of each Japanese letter in each of the three sections (3 × 3 letters). The percentage correctness was calculated as the total correctness of the shape on the X- and Y-coordinates of the tablet and the configuration and order of single strokes, required to write a letter (see also Wang et al., 2014). To assist in this calculation, an algorithm based on an $N-protractor was used (Anthony & Wobbrock, 2012). The algorithm checked the similarities between an expert's writing and that of the students. Based on this, the percentage of correctness of the writing was calculated. Students received no points when a letter was written incorrectly or one point when a letter was written correctly. As nine letters had to be practiced in total, the maximum score that could be obtained for the writing performance in both tests, was nine points.

Instructional cognitive-affective efficiency

The instructional efficiency measure for the experimental conditions was constructed for this study based on the general approach previously used to measure efficiency by combining the indicators of performance and cognitive load (see Van Gog & Paas, 2008, for an overview). With this approach, all cognitively optimal learning environments should not only achieve specific instructional goals, but also achieve them efficiently – with minimal cognitive cost of learning associated with the required cognitive load, invested mental effort, or the instructional time. Accordingly, high-efficiency instruction may be associated with high resulting performance with low load or effort, while low-efficiency instruction may be associated with low performance with high cognitive cost.

Paas and van Merriënboer (1993) suggested using the formula E = (P – R)/√2 for calculating efficiency measure (E) by converting performance (P) and cognitive load measures (R) into z-scores (P and R correspondingly). The denominator √2 is used for the easiness of graphical interpretation of the formula: the relative efficiency is the distance from the point (R, P) to the line of zero efficiency (P = R; or E = 0).

There have been several attempts to increase the number of dimensions involved in the described efficiency measures, for example by using three dimensions, such as performance, test time and cognitive load, or such as performance, learning effort and test effort (e.g., Salden et al., 2004; Tuovinen & Paas, 2004). In those cases, the formula changed to E = (P – R1 – R2)/√3 (with R1 and R2 representing two different measures of the cognitive coast of learning), according to the general analytical geometry formula for the distance to the plane of zero efficiency in a three-dimensional space. Paas et al. (2005) further extended the approach to incorporate learner levels of involvement associated with motivation and mental effort invested in learning. It was assumed that when involvement is higher, more mental effort would be invested resulting in higher performance. Paas et al. (2005) suggested calculating an instructional involvement measure I from z-scores for performance (P) and mental effort (R) using the formula I = (P + R)/√2. Graphically, this formula represented the distance from point (R, P) to the line P = −R. They applied this formula to the data from some of the previous studies in expertise reversal effect to re-interpret the effect from motivational, rather than cognitive perspective.

In this study, the above ways of extending the efficiency measure were combined by including affective factors. Assuming that enjoyment could be considered as a facilitating factor in learning that enhances learner involvement, while frustration should be treated as a predominantly inhibiting factor that decreases involvement, the four-dimensional formula for a combined indicator of cognitive efficiency and affective involvement (or, in short cognitive-affective efficiency) is defined as Eff = (PC + EF)/√4, where the variables in nominator are the standardized z-scores for test performance (P), ratings cognitive load (C), enjoyment (E) and frustration (F). The relatively high cognitive-affective efficiency zone Eff >0 corresponds to prevailing conditions that may facilitate learning (i.e., writing skills, enjoyment), while the low efficiency zone Eff <0 corresponds to prevailing conditions that may inhibit learning (i.e., cognitive overload, frustration). The use of enjoyment as a facilitator of learning and frustration as suppressor in the above formula is supported by the subsequent bivariate correlation analyses (see Table 2) indicating a positive correlation between enjoyment and performance and a negative association between frustration and performance.

Procedure and experimental design

Students who participated in this study completed the experiment individually during a 40-min session in a computer lab of a university. Firstly, the students were seated in front of a pen-based tablet and completed a background questionnaire. Their socio-demographic details, current emotions and subjective levels of expertise in pen-tablet use were ascertained. Next, students received instructions on the learning tasks and how to use the pen-tablet. They completed the writing task to objectively determine their level of expertise.

On the basis of the results of the objective test of the level of expertise (i.e., prior knowledge), participants were identified as novices or advanced learners. Those with performance scores less than 4 (median is 3) were classified as novice learners (n = 84), whereas students with scores not less than 4 were classified as advanced learners (n = 89). Both novices and advanced learners were assigned to tasks with either a low, a moderate or a high level of complexity in the pen-based digital learning environment.

Thus, the following six experimental groups were created, depending on the level of expertise and task complexity: (1) low task complexity and novices (LTC + N, n = 28), (2) low task complexity and advanced learners (LTC + A, n = 28), (3) moderate task complexity and novices (MTC + N, n = 31), (4) moderate task complexity and advanced learners (MTD + A, n = 32), (5) high task complexity and novices (HTC + N, n = 25), (6) high task complexity and advanced learners (HTC + A, n = 29).

After the completion of each of the three learning sections within the digital learning environment, students completed a questionnaire displayed on the computer screen regarding their cognitive load and emotional state. In addition to these self-reports, students' writing performance was tracked and automatically stored for the subsequent analysis.


For analyses, 2 (level of expertise: novice, advanced learners) × 3 (task difficulty: low, moderate, high) ANOVAs were conducted to examine the differences in cognitive load, learning-centred emotions, learning performance and cognitive-affective efficiency. The main and interaction effects were calculated. In cases of significant main effects of task complexity, follow-up Bonferroni post hoc tests were used to compare the pairwise differences between the levels of task complexity in more detail. In the case of a significant interaction, a one-factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) with task complexity as a between-subject factor, was used for both levels of expertise followed, again, by Bonferroni corrected post hoc test to test the difference in each of the level of expertise between the task complexity conditions. All effects are reported as significant at p < .05.

Preliminary analyses

The mean scores and standard deviations for all measured variables can be seen in Table 1. Table 2 displays the correlations between the averaged overall means of all variables.

TABLE 1. Mean scores (and standard deviations) for each experimental group on all measured variables
Variable Conditions
+N +A +N +A +N +A
Level of expertise 1.78 (.57) 3.36 (.87) 2.13 (.88) 3.81 (.78) 2.28 (1.02) 3.79 (.82)
Cognitive load 2.24 (.82) 1.78 (.68) 2.50 (.83) 2.29 (.87) 2.92 (1.07) 2.60 (.95)
Enjoyment 4.67 (1.13) 3.68 (1.55) 4.05 (1.39) 4.49 (1.33) 3.96 (1.62) 4.24 (.94)
Frustration 3.06 (1.35) 3.44 (1.03) 3.02 (1.14) 2.64 (1.07) 3.53 (1.11) 2.78 (.78)
learning Performance 5.36 (1.39) 5.18 (1.92) 5.58 (1.20) 6.28 (1.48) 4.88 (1.39) 5.86 (1.25)
Instructional cognitive-affective efficiency .15 (1.29) −.18 (1.02) .04 (1.18) .56 (1.25) −.79 (1.17) .09 (.93)
  • Abbreviations: HTC + A, High task complexity + advanced learners; HTC + N, High task complexity + novice learners; LTC + A, Low task complexity + advanced learners; LTC + N, Low task complexity + novice learners; MTC + A, Moderate task complexity + advanced learners; MTC + N, Moderate task complexity + novice learners.
TABLE 2. Bivariate correlations between all measured variables
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(1) Level of expertise
(2) Cognitive load −.17*
(3) Enjoyment −.02 −.008
(4) Frustration −.19** .11 −.11
(5) Learning performance .42** −.22** .31** −.17*
(6) Instructional cognitive-affective efficiency .14 −.55** .59** −.58** .69**
  • *p < .05; **p < .01 (two-tailed).

In order to ensure that novice and advanced learners did indeed differ in terms of their levels of expertise, their prior knowledge with a one-factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was analysed by using the objective assessment results. There was a significant difference between novices and advanced learners in their prior level of expertise (F[1, 171] = 154.97, p < .001, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .47), indicating that novices had less prior knowledge of Japanese calligraphy compared to advanced learners. In addition to the identification of the level of expertise through the objective measurement, the results of the subjective assessment of prior knowledge also showed a significant difference between the classified novices and advanced learners (F[1, 167] = 57.47, p < .001, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .25). By testing the equivalence of Japanese calligraphy within the same level of expertise between the different conditions of task complexity, no significant difference was found with regard to their prior level of expertise, either amongst novices (F[2, 84] = 2.45, n.s.), or advanced learners (F[2, 86] = 2.83, n.s.), across the three levels of task complexity. This indicates equivalence within the same level of expertise across the levels of task complexity.

Besides, when testing for baseline variables, which might have an impact on post-treatment measures, no significant differences between the levels of complexity were found in the baseline activity-related emotions (for enjoyment: F[2, 167] = .02, n.s.; for frustration: F[2, 167] = .37, n.s.). No differences were also found in these emotions between the two levels of expertise (for enjoyment: F[2, 167] = .01, n.s.; for frustration: F[2, 167] = .05, n.s.).

Finally, bivariate correlation analyses were conducted (see Table 2) to assess the links between the measured variables. These preliminary analyses revealed a negative association between the level of expertise and cognitive load and a negative association between the level of expertise and frustration. A moderately positive association between the level of expertise and the learning performance was further shown. The negative relationship between cognitive load and performance is also of interest, as is the positive correlation between the level of enjoyment and performance and the negative association between the degree of frustration and performance. This suggests that there may be different relationships between different types of learning-centred emotions and learning.

Differences in cognitive load

A significant main effect with regards to the level of expertise was found (F[1, 167] = 6.16, p = .01, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .04). Novices reported to have an overall higher cognitive load, compared to advanced learners (see Table 1, Figure 3a).

Details are in the caption following the image
Interaction between levels of expertise and task complexity on all measured variables

Furthermore, there was a significant main effect of task complexity (F[2, 167] = 10.16, p < .001, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .11). A follow-up Bonferroni corrected post-hoc test revealed that the highest cognitive load was experienced at the HTC level compared to the LTC level (p < .001). The difference between the LTC level, which was experienced as the less demanding learning task and the MTC level was also significant (p = .05). All other comparisons were not significant.

The interaction between the level of expertise and task complexity for cognitive load was not significant (F[2, 167] = .29, n.s.).

Differences in learning-centred emotions


There were no significant main effects of the level of expertise (F[1, 167] = 1.37, n.s.) and of task complexity (F[2, 167] = 1.48, n.s.).

There was a significant interaction between the level of expertise and the task complexity (F[2, 167] = 3.40, p = .04, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .04), indicating that the enjoyment experienced when learning from tasks of different levels of complexity differed in the case of the novice learners by comparison with the advanced learners.

Following the significant interaction, a one-factorial ANOVA revealed no significant difference in the level of enjoyment between the levels of complexity in the case of the novices (F[2, 80] = 1.83, n.s.).

The difference in the level of enjoyment between levels of task complexity in the case of the advanced learners, however, was significant (F[2, 86] = 3.03, p = .05, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .07). A follow-up Bonferroni corrected post-hoc test revealed a higher level of enjoyment for advanced learners at the MTC level, compared with the LTC level (p = .05), which was perceived as being the least enjoyable level of learning (see Table 1, Figure 3b). All other comparisons were not significant.


The main effect of the learners' level of expertise was not significant (F[1167] = 2.23, n.s.). Furthermore, the main effect of task complexity on the level of frustration (F[2167] = 2.40, n.s.) was also not significant.

However, there was a significant interaction between the level of expertise and task complexity (F[2, 167] = 3.85, p = .02, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .04), indicating that the experience of frustration when learning from tasks of different levels of complexity differed according to the learners' level of expertise.

More precisely, a one-factorial ANOVA revealed no significant differences in levels of frustration for novice learners (F[2, 81] = 1.47, n.s.).

For advanced learners, however, a significant difference in frustration between the levels of task complexity was evident (F[2, 86] = 5.55, p = .005, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .11). A follow-up Bonferroni corrected post-hoc test revealed that advanced learners at the LTC level reported significantly higher levels of frustration, compared to advanced learners at the HTC level (p = .04) and to advanced learners at the MTC level (p = .007), which was reported as being the least frustrating learning condition (see Table 1, Figure 3c). All other comparisons were not significant.

Differences in learning performance

There was a significant main effect regarding the level of expertise (F[1, 167] = 5.12, p = .02, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .03). Advanced learners showed higher learning performance compared to novices (see Table 1, Figure 3d).

In addition, a significant main effect of task complexity (F[2, 167] = 3.62, p = .03, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .04) was shown. A follow-up Bonferroni corrected post-hoc test revealed that the MTC level tasks (which had the highest means of learning performance scores for both novices and experts) resulted in better performance compared to the LTC level tasks (p = .04) for both levels of expertise (see Table 1, Figure 3d). All other comparisons were not significant.

Finally, no significant interaction between the level of expertise and task complexity was found (F[2, 167] = 2.41, n.s.).

Differences in cognitive-affective efficiency

For the cognitive-affective efficiency measure, the main effect of the learners' level of expertise was significant (F[1167] = 4.01, p = .05, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .02), with advanced learners demonstrating higher efficiency than novices (see Figure 3e).

The effect of task complexity was also significant (F[2167] = 4.59, p = .01, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .05). A follow-up Bonferroni corrected post-hoc test revealed the highest efficiency at the MTC level, which was significantly higher than the HTC level (p = .04). All other comparisons were not significant.

There was a significant interaction between the level of expertise and task complexity (F[2, 167] = 4.15, p = .02, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .05), indicating that the cognitive-affective efficiency of instruction between the levels of task complexity differed according to learners' level of expertise.

Following the significant interaction, a one-factorial ANOVA revealed a significant difference for novice learners (F[2, 80] = 4.62, p = .01, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .10). A follow-up Bonferroni corrected post-hoc test revealed that for novice learners, the LTC level tasks had significantly higher efficiency than the HTC level tasks (p = .02). The MTC level tasks also indicated significantly higher efficiency than the HTC level tasks (p = .04) (see Figure 3e). All other comparisons were not significant.

For advanced learners, there also was a significant difference in efficiency between the levels of task complexity (F[2, 86] = 3.69, p = .03, η $$ \eta $$ 2 = .08). A follow-up Bonferroni corrected post-hoc test revealed that the MTC level (with the highest efficiency indicator) was significantly more efficient compared to the LTC level (p = .03), which indicated the lowest efficiency (see Figure 3e). All other comparisons were not significant.


Even though the interplay between learner expertise and instructional techniques have been studied for a long time, at best, only cognitive aspects and mechanisms of such interactions were investigated in details so far. This study provides a supplementary affective perspective on the existing research, by examining learners' learning-centred emotions and combining measures of cognitive and affective factors in order to evaluate the overall cognitive-affective efficiency of instruction.

The degree to which the findings on cognitive load and learning performance aligned with the common expectations that novices need to be presented with less complex tasks, while more advanced learners should be presented with a relatively more complex task, was considered first. As expected, cognitive load was shown to be higher for novice learners compared to advanced learners, and low task complexity lead to lower cognitive load compared to moderate and high task complexity for both levels of expertise, while no interactions between learner expertise and task complexity for cognitive load were demonstrated.

According to cognitive load theory, the differences in cognitive load should lead to corresponding differences in learning performance. Therefore, learning performance would normally be expected to deteriorate with a notable increase in task complexity due to higher cognitive load, especially for novices. However, the results showed that while advanced learners performed better than novices across the range of task complexity, the tasks with a moderate complexity level were superior in enhancing learning performance for both levels of expertise. Thus, under all other conditions equal, the effectiveness of learning tasks with different complexity levels was not determined by only learner levels of expertise, and the results could not be explained by the cognitive load factor alone.

The measures of learning-centred emotions in this study provided the necessary input for making sense of the above results. Although no significant differences in enjoyment and frustration were found between advanced learners and novices, the results concerning learning-centred emotions indicated that affective learning experiences depended on the interplay between expertise and task complexity. Furthermore, it might had been a defining factor of learning performance and outcomes, as predicted in theories such as the CVT. More precisely, the findings showed that advanced learners reported lower enjoyment and higher frustration when completing the low complexity task, whereas both the moderately and the high complexity tasks were reported to be the most enjoyable and less frustrating for these learners. Albeit outside of the specific context of this study, this result can be linked to the suggested motivation-based explanation observed in studies of expertise reversal effect. Advanced learners cannot be sufficiently motivated to learn if they are underchallenged and there is nothing new to learn from simple tasks. As a cognitive consequence, they might invest cognitive resources in the evaluation of task appropriateness before starting to learn, but would not invest in further cognitive processing (Schnotz, 2010; Schnotz et al., 2009).

Following this line of reasoning, a decrease in negative emotions and increase in positive emotions and learning performance could be predicted to accompany an increase in task complexity not only for advanced but also for novice learners. However, this prediction was only partially supported. No significant differences in emotions were found across the three task complexity levels for novices. Nevertheless, all the learners carrying out the tasks of moderate complexity showed a significantly higher learning performance compared to low complexity. This at least partly supports the assumptions based on a learners' desire of being challenged when learning.

The preliminary analyses further revealed a positive correlation between levels of enjoyment and learning performance and a negative correlation between levels of frustration and learning performance. This supports the theoretical arguments and empirical findings that enjoyment as a positive emotion could be interpreted as having a motivating function and broadening available cognitive resources, while frustration as a negative emotion could be interpreted as having a demotivating function and narrowing working memory resources (see Plass & Kalyuga, 2019, for an overview).

This finding is also supported by the results of the composite indicator of cognitive-affective efficiency of instructional conditions, constructed to measure the combined relative effects of cognitive and emotional factors in learner performance. The results show a full expertise reversal effect primarily generated by affective factors with a significant interaction between levels of learner expertise and task complexity, and significant simple effect differences for both novices and experts. While the efficiency for novice learners was the highest when learning with low and moderate task complexity, advanced learners performed best with a moderate and high task complexity. Therefore, it can be argued that digital learning environments which are not adapted to emotional aspects of learning (even if they are adequate from a purely cognitive perspective), may run the risk of inhibiting rather than facilitating learning. The measure of cognitive-affective efficiency of instruction clearly supports this conclusion.

Limitations and future directions

The reported study was a laboratory-based one with a reduced capability to manipulate the levels of task complexity which were limited to the three basic experimenter-created conditions based on variations in the number of elements of the provided Japanese letters. The fact that the moderate task complexity was superior for learning could possibly be due to the lack of a proper experimental balancing of the task complexity levels. Task complexity is not only defined by variations in the number of elements as implied in this study but also by other task characteristics, first of all, by levels of interactivity between the elements. For example, many non-interactive, not connected elements are unlikely to make a task cognitively complex (e.g., learning vocabulary items of a foreign language), while only a few highly interconnected elements might do (e.g., learning grammatical rules of a language). Poorly defined task areas may introduce further relevant factors. For example, in the management task domain, Campbell (1988) indicated the presence of multiple pathways and outcomes and the presence of conflicting interdependences between them. Thus, manipulating all such relevant task characteristics (depending on a specific domain) together might lead to more balanced differences in task complexity.

Furthermore, linked to the lab situation, cognitive and affective factors might be influenced differently outside the lab setting. Learners in this study had to learn in a controlled environment with time restrictions, and therefore, the time that was required to develop emotional experiences could become a critical factor influencing learning. As argued by Pekrun (2006), the impact of learner emotions on learning might fully unfold in more complex and lengthier learning situations.

Another limitation concerns how the learning-centred emotions were measured. After each of the three learning sections, emotion scores were determined retrospective from a self-report questionnaire. This could result in an underreporting of emotions as learners may have been less inclined to report especially the intensity of negative emotions as this could suggest a lack of competence (Nielsen & Kaszniak, 2007). This might have led to the non-significant findings of enjoyment and frustration between moderate and high task complexity in the group of advanced learners while the performance was the best at a moderate level.

Thus, as a future goal, self-report measures could be expanded by incorporating continuous and inconspicuous assessment of emotional states, for example through haptic input devices such as pen-based tablets tracking pen pressure as emotional indicator (Schrader & Kalyuga, 2020). This would help not only to explore the dynamic changes of emotions, but also to provide means to analyse the transfer of diverse emotions beyond enjoyment and frustration. Whereas the focus of this study was on only the measure of positive and negative activating emotions of enjoyment and frustration, research demonstrates a transition of frustration into boredom as negative deactivating emotion when confronted with complex tasks over a longer period of time (Lester et al., 2011).

Moreover, the length and intensity of emotional development might be different for learners according to their strategies of emotional coping (Reynard et al., 2011), a trait variable that was not considered in this study. This variable might also be linked to the level of expertise, which might play an important role thereby. Even if no significant differences in emotions between novices and experts were found in this study, the preliminary analyses revealed a negative correlation between levels of expertise and frustration – a result also found in the study of Knörzer et al. (2016). As argued by Knörzer et al. (2016), learners with a higher working memory capacity might compensate the impact of their emotional states better. Whether learners with a higher level of prior knowledge are actually better in coping with negative emotions should be further investigated.


This study adds to the body of research investigating the cognitive impact of instructional techniques and task characteristics on learners with different levels of expertise. By exploring specifically task complexity as a critical characteristic of learning tasks embedded in digital learning environments, it shows that it needs to be adapted to learner levels of expertise to foster learning. Most importantly, this study goes beyond previous research conducted from a pure cognitive load perspective by examining learning-centred emotions. The results suggest that the most efficient way of implementing task difficulty adaptations might not necessarily follow the prescriptions based purely on cognitive load considerations. This study highlights that when affective factors are taken into account, this straightforward logic might need to be modified, specifically – by emphasizing the benefits of tasks with moderate levels of complexity. As the first study of this kind, it might serve as a useful reference point for future research focused on the combined cognitive and emotional effects of learner expertise in instruction.


Claudia Schrader: Data curation; formal analysis; investigation; methodology; visualization; writing – original draft; writing – review and editing. Slava Kalyuga: Investigation; methodology; writing – original draft; writing – review and editing.


All authors declare no conflict of interest.


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