Volume 1987, Issue 57 p. 39-47

Legal issues: Identification and management

David J. Figuli

David J. Figuli

David J. Figuli is president of Higher Education Group, Inc., Denver, Colorado, and head of the Education Law Department of Wickens, Herzer, & Panza, P.C., a multistate law firm.

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R. Claire Guthrie

R. Claire Guthrie

R. Claire Guthrie is deputy attorney general of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Her responsibilities include providing legal advice to the state's public colleges and universities. She has practiced in the field of higher education law since 1974 and has taught a higher education law seminar at the University of Virginia School of Law.

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Andrew L. Abrams

Andrew L. Abrams

Andrew L. Abrarns is vice-president of legal affairs at the College of Charleston and also assistant professor of business.

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Changing the programmatic structure of a higher education institution requires a keen sensitivity to the legal rights of students and faculty and the attendant rkks.

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